How are stories passed down through generations?
By word of mouth
How many creation stories were there?
Who are Adam and Eve?
They ate fruit from the forbidden garden. They lead to human to be born with original sin.
When does the church year start?
The beginning of Advent
What are the two sections of the Bible?
Old Testament and New Testament
What is Sacred Scripture?
God's word written by humans
What book held the Creation stories?
The Book of Genesis (Chapters 1&2)
Who is the New Adam?
What liturgical season are we in right now?
Ordinary time
How many books are in the Bible?
46 in Old Testament
27 in New Testament
What is divine revelation?
the process by which God makes himself known; source of this is through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition
What is human dignity?
The worth each person has because they are made in the image of God
What is a covenant?
A sacred promise or agreement between God and humans.
When do the priests wear purple?
Advent and Lent
What is the first book in the Bible?
What is the Last Book in the Bible?
What happened with Naomi and Ruth?
Ruth stayed with her mother-in-law. She was faithful to her and God
What does both creation stories teach us?
God created everything and all humans are created in God’s image
You are awesome!!!!!!!!
Get some points!!!!!!!!
When do the priests wear white?
Christmas, Easters, and Mary feasts days
What is the old testament?
Old Testament of the Bible tells about before Jesus was born.
What are 4 literary forms used in the Bible?
short stories, letters, traditional stories, parables, historical accounts, psalms, apocalyptic accounts
Compare and contrast the two generation stories
-Both talk about the creation of the world
-First said God created the creatures and then man-
-second said that god created man first, then creatures, and then woman
What are the names of Adam and Eve's sons?
What happened between them?
-Cain and Abel
-Cain grew jealous of Abel and killed him.
What is the order of the liturgical year?
Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, Easter, Ordinary Time
What is the new testament?
Who are the authors of the 4 Gospels?
- Old Testament of the Bible tells about before Jesus was born.
-Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John