Simple Subject/Predicate
Complex Subject/Predicate
Interjections and Run-On Sentences

Identify the SIMPLE subject and SIMPLE predicate in the following sentence:  

The cats drove to the moon in their Astrovan.  

Simple Subject:  Cats

Simple Predicate:  Drove



Identify the COMPLETE/COMPLEX subject and the COMPLETE/COMPLEX predicate in the following sentence:

The whiny children drove their teacher to evacuate from the classroom via the window.  

Complete/Complex Subject:  the whiny children

Complete/Complex Predicate:  drove their teacher to evacuate from the classroom via the window. 



Identify the interjection in the sentence:





What is wrong with the following sentence? (there are two FOR SURE mistakes and one bonus mistake).

harold swam to the edge of the earth and fell off

Required:  Capital H, end punctuation

 Bonus:  doesn't REALLY make a whole lot of sense

+100 for required

+600 for bonus


Which of the following is true?  

Chickens can survive for 21 seconds with their heads chopped off.  


A sentence NEEDS to start with a capital letter.

A sentence needs to start with a capital letter.

Chickens can potentially run the length of a football field without their heads.  



Identify the SIMPLE subject and SIMPLE predicate in the following sentence:  

Colorful clay makes people shiver.


Simple Subject:  Clay

Simple Predicate:  Makes



Identify the COMPLETE/COMPLEX subject and the COMPLETE/COMPLEX predicate in the following sentence:

The red and purple Teletubbies went on a 3 hour crime spree through Chicago.  

Complete/Complex Subject:  The red and purple Teletubbies

Complete/Complex Predicate:  went on a 3 hour crime spree through Chicago.  



Identify the interjection in the following sentence:  

Wow, the chicken noodle soup with the raw chicken was exceptionally terrific.




What is wrong with the following sentence? (There are 3 mistakes).

drove to the store in a white camaro

Missing a subject, Camaro should be capitalized, end punctuation



Which of the following is true?

Every time you lick a stamp, you consumer 1/10 of a calorie. 


A sentence needs to have a subject and a preposition.

Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie.

Sentences need to have a subject and a VERB.



Identify the SIMPLE subject and the SIMPLE predicate in the following sentence:

The students ate chocolate covered birds for their lovely after dinner treat.  

Simple Subject:  Students

Simple Predicate:  Ate



Identify the COMPLETE/COMPLEX subject and the COMPLETE/COMPLEX predicate in the following sentence:

Gary the Grouse jumped and swam through a pool of lime Jell-o.

Complete/Complex Subject:  Gary the Grouse

Complete/Complex Predicate:  jumped and swam through a pool of lime Jell-o.



Which sentence is NOT a run-on sentence?

A.  Chicken tastes like alligator let's go to Florida.

B.  Chicken tastes like alligator, so let's go to Florida. 

C.  Chicken tastes like alligator eating it is fun.

B.  Chicken tastes like alligator, so let's go to Florida.



What is wrong with the following sentence? (There are two mistakes).

mindy over the moon and far away.

Capitalize Mindy, missing verb



Which of the following is true?

Boanthropy is the psychological disorder in which patients believe they are a potato.


A verb is an action word and can be physical or mental.  

A verb is an action word and can be physical or mental.  

Boanthropy patients think they are cows.



Identify the SIMPLE subject and SIMPLE predicate in the following sentence:  

The avocado rolled down a hill, and it crashed into a potato.  (There are TWO simple subjects and predicates)

Simple Subject:  Avocado, it

Simple Predicate:  rolled, crashed



Identify the COMPLETE/COMPLEX subject and the COMPLETE/COMPLEX predicate in the following sentence:

Unicorns and sparkly gremlins ran up the red carpet and dove into the crowd.

Complete/Complex Subject:  Unicorns and sparkly gremlins

Complete/Complex Predicate:  ran up the red carpet and dove into the crowd.



Which of the following contains an interjection?  

A.  Hey, it's time to wake up and smell the carrots.

B.  It's time to wake up and smell the carrots.

C.  It's time to wake up and eat the carrots.  

A.  Hey, it's time to wake up and smell the carrots.  



What is wrong with the following sentence?

Charlie the Unicorn had his kidney stolen by the magical liopleurodon after being kidnapped by his friends.  

Nothing is wrong with it.  



Which of the following is true?

Cat urine glows under a black-light.


Complete/Complex subjects usually contain the verb.  

Cat urine glows under a black-light.


Complete/Complex PREDICATES usually contain the verb.



Identify the SIMPLE subject and SIMPLE predicate in the following sentence:  

The baby hippo flopped majestically in the desert.

Simple Subject:  hippo

Simple Predicate:  flopped



Identify the COMPLETE/COMPLEX subject and the COMPLETE/COMPLEX predicate in the following sentence:

Giant Minions from Hardees eat bananas as they take over the world.  

Complete/Complex Subject:  Giant Minions from Hardees

Complete/Complex Predicate:  eat bananas as they take over the world.  



Which of the sentences is written correctly?

A.  Cherry coke zero makes a really great swimming pool.  

B.  cherry coke zero makes a really great swimming pool.  

C.  Cherry Coke Zero makes a really great swimming pool.

C.  Cherry Coke Zero makes a really great swimming pool.



What is wrong with the sentence? (There are three mistakes).

medea's husband their marriage, so she got revenge

Capital letter to start/name, missing one verb, end punctuation



Which of the following is true?

The Hawaiian alphabet only has 17 letters.


Adjectives describe nouns and adverbs describe verbs.

Adjectives describe nouns and adverbs describe verbs.

The Hawaiian alphabet contains 13 letters.
