Social Psychology Overview
The Self
Research Methods
The Self Continued

Christine conducts cross-cultural research and Betty conducts multicultural research. Which statement is most likely to be true?

a.Christine is more interested in discovering differences between her samples by culture than is Betty.

b.Betty is more likely to use social psychological research methods.   

c.Christine is more likely to sample individuals from the same cultures.   

d.Betty is more likely to find differences between her samples than is Christine.

a.Christine is more interested in discovering differences between her samples by culture than is Betty.


Book is to a library as ______ is to ________

a.Self-presentation, self-promotion

b.Self-schema, self-concept

c.Self-concept, self-presentation

d.Self-schema, self-promotion

b.Self-schema, self-concept


What is the most likely correlation coefficient showing the relationship between shoe size and height? 

a. .78

b. -.65

c. .12

d. -.32

a. .78


Alex changes his behavior in response to self-presentation concerns and various situations, and thus, he is exhibiting a high level of

   a.   self-verification.

   b.   self-complexity.

   c.   self-monitoring.

   d.   self-esteem.

   c.   self-monitoring.


The founder of social psychology is usually attributed to

a. Kurt Lewin

b. Floyd Allport

c. Edward Ross

d. William McDougall

b. Floyd Allport


Chauncy is interested in how behavior is influenced by the way people think about their social world. Chauncy subscribes to the ____ perspective in social psychology.







After her college's football team wins the national championship, Liz starts yelling out "We won, we won" at the party she is attending. Her friends all join in, and soon they start chanting "We're number one! We're number one!" The enthusiastic fans seemingly fail to realize that they did not actually accomplish anything except watching others win a game. This increase in self-esteem that occurs by associating with others who succeed is called

a.downward social comparison.



d.basking in reflected glory.

d.basking in reflected glory.


What does it mean to say that an experiment has two independent variables?

a.The researcher has created a study with two different conditions.

b.The researcher has come up with two different measures to take in order to test the hypothesis.

c.The researcher is manipulating two different variables in the course of the study.

d.The effects of one variable in the study have nothing to do with the effects of the other variable.

c.The researcher is manipulating two different variables in the course of the study.


Research regarding affective forecasting indicates that

a.people are remarkably good at estimating how future events will impact the happiness of others.

b.people tend to underestimate the impact of future events on their own happiness.   

c.people are remarkably good at estimating how future events will impact their own happiness.   

d.people tend to overestimate the strength and duration of their future responses to emotional events.

d.people tend to overestimate the strength and duration of their future responses to emotional events.


Who had the most dramatic impact on social psychology?

a. Phillip Zimbardo

b. Stanley Milgram

c. Adolf Hitler

d. Joseph Stalin

c. Adolf Hitler


Walton and colleagues (2015) studied students in an engineering program, focusing on specific factors related to first year grade point averages (GPAs). They found that women's GPAs were very similar to men's when 

a.academic advisors were trained in avoiding gender stereotypes in class assignments.

b.professors were recorded giving class lectures to help them identify unequal behaviors. 

c.the students received the brief information designed to counter concerns about belonging.

residence hall advisors were instructed to "urge" females to take more difficult classes.

c.the students received the brief information designed to counter concerns about belonging.


According to self-awareness theory, which behavior is least likely to draw attention to self-discrepancies?

a.sitting in a crowded, darkened theater

b.seeing one’s reflection in a mirror   

c.posing for a photograph   

standing on stage in front of an audience

a.sitting in a crowded, darkened theater


What is the one word that is prohibited when interpreting psychology research?







In terms of autobiographical memory, to what does the phrase “reminiscence bump” refer?

a.The more negative the memory, the more likely it is to be remembered. 

b.Older adults tend to retrieve a larger number of memories from adolescence and early adulthood than other periods of life.

c.Once people turn a certain age, they start to forget many of the events that happened to them in earlier stages of life.

d.People tend to remember a wide range of “firsts” in recounting their personal experiences.

b.Older adults tend to retrieve a larger number of memories from adolescence and early adulthood than other periods of life.


Social psychology informed government work during WWII in all of the following ways except:

a. Protecting soldiers from the enemy’s propaganda

b. Persuading citizens to support the war effort

c. Selecting officers for various positions

d. Understanding intergroup conflict

d. Understanding intergroup conflict


The interdisciplinary subfield that examines the close link between our minds and the positioning, experiences, and actions of our bodies is called

a.behavioral economics. neuroscience.   

c.evolutionary psychology.

d.embodied cognition.

d.embodied cognition.


Higgins’s (1989) self-discrepancy theory suggests that we each have an “actual self,” an “ought self,” and an “ideal self.” According to Higgins, discrepancies between the ____ self and the actual self often lead to low self-esteem and feelings of ____.

a.ought; frustration

b.ought; shame  

c.ideal; superiority

ideal; hostility

b.ought; shame  


Henry is running an experiment on the impact of noise level on subsequent aggressive behavior. In one condition, participants experience a loud, annoying noise while trying to complete a task, and then are given a chance later to give another ostensible participant a noise blast, too. In the other condition, the participants do not experience the noise while trying to complete their task. After the study has been conducted, Henry realizes that the loud room was lit more brightly than the quiet room. This difference in the level of light is an example of a


b.control group.   

c.threat to external validity.

d.subject variable. 



According to ironic process theory, if Ryan is having trouble falling asleep what should he do? 

a. count sheep

b. dwell on how much he has to do tomorrow

c. not think about trying to fall asleep

d. meditate

c. not think about trying to fall asleep


The National Research Act established the modern Institutional Review Board (IRB) in what year?

a. 1965

b. 1974

c. 1983

d. 1996

b. 1974


What do the ABCs stand for? 

a. action, beliefs, consequences

b. attention, behavior, communication

c. affect, behavior, cognition

d. affect, beliefs, consequences 

c. affect, behavior, cognition


Josephine bought her six-year-old nephew, Joseph, a new set of paints for his birthday. Hoping to encourage the little artist, Josephine promised Joseph one dollar for every painting. Joseph thinks that is quite a lot of money. According to research by Lepper and colleagues (1973) on overjustification effects, which of the following is most likely to occur?

a.Joseph will come to see painting pictures as a way to make money, not as something enjoyable in itself. 

b.Joseph will develop a love for painting and will want to be an artist when he grows up.

c.Joseph will continue to paint even if his aunt eventually stops rewarding him with money.   

d.The paintings for which Joseph receives money will be judged as better quality than the paintings for which he does not receive any money.

a.Joseph will come to see painting pictures as a way to make money, not as something enjoyable in itself. 


The procedure used to ensure that research participants have an equal chance of being placed in the experimental or control groups in an experiment is called

a.random assignment.   

b.random sampling.   


d.experimental realism.

a.random assignment.   


Regina cares about what others think of her while Mary wants others to see her for how she sees herself. Regina is likely a ____________ while Mary is likely _____________.

a. high self-monitor; low self-monitor

b. low self-monitor; high self-monitor

c. person with low self-esteem; person with high self-esteem

d. person with high self-esteem; person with low self-esteem

a. high self-monitor; low self-monitor


The accceptance of many methods of investigation in addition to the laboratory experiment is called

a. Empirical Research

b. Triangulation

c. Pluralism

d. Experimental Design

c. Pluralism