Hallway expectations
Classroom Expectations
Mrs. Stephanie
Lunchroom Expectations
Computer Expectations

When I walk through the hallway my voice level is

what is zero/off/silent?


When the Ms. Stephanie is talking my body faces

What is forward, in listening position?


Mrs. Stephanie was born in the month of 

What is July?


When I enter the lunch room I wait to be acknowledge by the lunch ladies and I take

What is  the food that I voted for, if there is anything left.  Otherwise, I take whatever they give me and I am grateful and gracious?


I carry my computer with 

What is 2 hands?


When I walk through the hallway my arms are

What is by my side?


If I need to use the restroom

I show the restroom symbol and wait to be acknowledged.  When I'm acknowledged I sign out, use a key fob and quickly and silently use the restroom and return to class.  


Mrs. Stephanie's favorite candy 

What is Butterfingers?


When I get my lunch I thank the lunch ladies and go

What is respectfully sit on the 6th grade side of the lunch room?


I return to my seat with my computer

what is quickly and silently?


When I walk through the hall my feet are 

What is straight ahead and silent like a ninja?


When I am doing partner work I am focused on...

My voice level is at 

What is, the task, not last nights Fortnite scores and my voice is at a level 1 or 2?


Mrs. Stephanie's favorite hobby

 What is hiking with her family?


When I sit to eat, I eat my food

What is respectfully and purposefully, because I am hungry and I only have a short time to chow down?


I open my computer and get logged into the program

what is promptly?


When I walk through the hallway I respect Ms. Maria by 

What is not touching the walls?


If my pencil needs sharpened I can silently walk to the 

What is sharp box, to get a new pencil?


Mrs. Stephanie's favorite movie

What is The Sound of Music?


When I am done eating I 

What is wait for a co-teacher to let me dump my tray and line up?


I work on the program I am assigned and never

What is have another program open?


When I walk through the halls I respect Ms. Maria by

What is picking up any trash that I see?


If I need a drink I will 

What is, show the water symbol and wait for Ms. Stephanie to acknowledge me?


Mrs. Stephanie's favorite Ice Cream

What is Rocky Road?


When I stand in line after eating I

What is stand in team with my voice off so I can quickly earn the chance to go out and play?


I can ask to play cool math games when I am done with my work

What is NEVER!!!!!!!!!?