What is an explorer?
A person who goes to find out about a new land
What is a tax?
Money that people pay the government
What did the Declaration of Independence do?
declared that our government would be free from England's control
What are two reasons people immigrate to the US?
Jobs, freedom, better opportunities
Who led the expedition of the land from the Louisiana Purchase?
Lewis and Clark
What is independence?
freedom from another country's control
What is a conflict?
A disagreement between people
What roles does the Constitution play in our government?
It is a set of laws that guides our government
Why did some Native Americans move around but others stayed in one place?
Some tribes moved in order to follow the buffalo for food. Others grew their own crops for food and had to stay in one place.
Why did the explorers who went into the Louisiana Purchase want the help of Native Americans, such as Sacagawea?
The Native Americans knew the land really well, so they helped guide them throughout the terrain.
What is patriotism?
A feeling of pride for your country
What is a pioneer?
Someone who settles land
What do we know about the settlement Jamestown?
It was the first lasting English settlement
Why is the Louisiana Purchase important?
At the time, it doubled the US in size and we got more land.
What were the two sides in the Civil War and what were they fighting over?
Union, Confederacy and they were fighting over slavery
What is oral history?
History that is spoken and told from one generation to the next
What is a colony?
A settlement that is ruled by a country far away
Why was St. Louis established?
To create a fur trading hub for the French
Why was the Emancipation Proclamation important?
It freed the slaves after the Civil War. It was signed by Abraham Lincoln.
What is a constitution?
A set of rules that tell how a government will work
What is an amendment?
A change to something that is already made
Why did pioneers head west after the Louisiana Purchase?
For new jobs and new land
What are 3 reasons that explorers came to the New World (America)?
1. Religious freedom
2. Claim land
3. Treasure