What day is Valentine held on?
February 14th
Which is the most poplar valentine's gift among men and woman? Red roses, tools, vacations, or chocolates
In this "Titanic" adventure on the high seas, which 2 characters fall in love only to see an iceberg steal their futures?
Jack and Rose
Justin Bieber
How many siblings do I have?
Was St. Valentine real?
Yes and no
What do you call the hard candies shaped like hearts, with messages on them?
Conversation hearts
In which 2004 love story did Allie discover the 365 letters from Noah that she never received?
The notebook
Tear drops on my guitar
Taylor Swift
What are my middle names?
What flower is most symbolic for Valentine's day?
Name of the 2 most popular candies sold on valentine's day?
Candy hearts, and chocolate heart boxes
Who did Charlie Brown have a big crush on (but it was never returned?)
The little red-haired girl
Before they were married in 2008, this music power couple sang the 2003 hit, "Crazy in Love"
Beyonce and Jay-Z
When is my birthday?
May 15th, 2006
What European city is called "the city of love"?
Hershey's kisses chocolates, a little product with a big future, were first introduced in: 1907, 1928, 1933, or 1940
To get a promotion, he takes on a deal to make a girl of his boss's choosing fall in love with him. Little does he know, the girl who his boss chooses is trying to do all the things that would make a guy want to break up with a girl for research on an article she is writing
How to lose a guy in 10 days
This British vocalist sang the lyrics to "Make You Feel My Love"
What was my first job?
Dairy queen
Cupid comes from what mythology?
Which candy was added to soldiers' rations during the civil war? M&M's, Hershey bars, Lemonheads, or tootsie rolls
Tootsie rolls
(Shane West) who falls in love with a guileless young woman (Mandy Moore) he and his friends once scorned
A walk to remember
what band sings "Where is the Love"
Black-eyed peas
Elementary education