The Band Played On
Which is that again?
Postcards from rehab
Drink Minutiae
My that's a Big Book!

This British female singer died of acute alcohol poisoning and resisting rehab.

Who is Amy Winehouse?


"Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers."

What is Tradition 8?


This First Lady was the first major U.S. figure to candidly address her alcoholism and established a rehab with her name on it.

Who is Betty Ford?


This powerful mixture of alcohol, herbs, and opium was used widely in early 20th century medicine without a prescription

What is Laudanum?


The "Big Book" asks us to compare our repeated attempts to drink like normal people with this scofflaw.

Who is the "jaywalker"?


Led Zeppelin drummer who died of asphixiation from copious amounts of vodka.

Who was John Bonham?


"Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole."

What is Tradition 4?


Eric Clapton's rehab in Antigua was named after one of the guitarist's biggest hits.

What is Crossroads?


In 2021, what is considered the "drunkest state" in America?

What is Wisconsin?

(North Dakota is a close second)


Our friend "Jim" relapsed without a defense simply by imagining he would be O.K. if he put his whiskey in this.

What is a glass of milk?


Experienced guitarist who asphyxiated on his own vomit in London after a meteoric four year career

Who was Jimi Hendrix?


"Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy."

What is Tradition 10?


This rehab was founded in Minnesota in 1949 and is as well known for its literature as it was for recovery.

What is Hazelden?


Smirnoff Vodka was mistakenly boycotted after Russia invaded Ukraine but is actually made in what state?

Where is Illinois USA?


Oddly, this chapter in the "Big Book" mentions God 27 times.

What is the chapter "We Agnostics"?

(Chapter 4)


Who drummer who OD'd on hemineverin. A drug to reduce alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Who is Keith Moon?


"A.A. ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve."

What is Tradition 9?


The Cleveland, Ohio rehab, Rosary Hall, was the final assignment  for "The Angel of Mercy". Who was this angel?

Who is Sister Ignatia?


The fermented Agave plant yields this alcohol with (some say) hallucinogenic properties.

What is Mezcal?

(also Tequila)


In  Chapter 11 "A Vision for You", Terror, Bewilderment, Frustration, and Despair are called this.

What are the hideous Four Horesemen?


Legendary female jazz singer who died of cirrhosis in 1959.

Who was Billie Holiday


"Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films."

What is Tradition 11?


The first ever residential rehab for alcoholism started here "IN 1935"

What is Akron / Dr. Bob's home?

855 Ardmore


Alcohol triggers the release of this neurotransmitter that the brain associates with pleasure

What is dopamine?


The 8 "human problems" cited in the chapter "We Agnostics" are called this

What are bedevilments?