Piece of technology that facilitates the creation of steel
Bessemer Process
ran one of the most famous settlement houses (founded in 1889)
Jane Addams
opposition to U.S. taking colonies
women who dressed in short skirts and danced
argued that violence was necessary for black people to achieve justice
Malcom X
a business arrangement where companies work together to charge high prices
Prohibition of Alcohol
18th Amendment
War in which U.S. acquires Cuba and the Philippines as colonies
Spanish-American War
A trial about whether a teacher can be imprisoned for teaching about evolution
Scopes Trail
helped set up the United Farm Workers
Cesar Chavez / Dolores Huerta
belief that rich people have earned their wealth and that economic inequality is good
Social Darwinism
Theodore Roosevelts policy to regulate businesses and fix other issues from the Gilded Age
Square Deal
forced China to trade with Europe and U.S. (just AFTER Spanish American War
Open Door Policy
The treaty ending WWI that was never ratified by the U.S. Senate due to opposition to the League of Nations
Treaty of Versailles
argued that many married women were unhappy despite their seemingly idyllic lives because they were not allowed to have ambitions outside the home.
Betty Friedan’s The
Feminine Mystique
a political party representing the interests of farmers and factory workers
Populist Party
a law to ensure that federal government officials had to be politically neutral, so that they would be chosen by merit, not political allegiance
Pendelton Act
the U.S. blamed Spain for the destruction of this ship, starting the Spanish-American War
USS Maine
Native children were forced to live in the schools and abandon Native culture
Carlisle Schools
President Johnson’s programs to build on the New Deal, including Medicare, Medicaid and the War on Poverty—government effort in the 1960s to end poverty in the US
regulated railroad prices but was not enforced
Interstate Commerce Act
when voters can effectively vote to remove from office [fire] a politician
the idea that as white people were the most civilized race they had a duty to spread a civilization to the backwards races around the world
White Mans Burden
Placed limits of how many immigrants could come from each country; it was designed to preserve the ethnic make-up of the U.S.
Immigration Quota Act
tries to ensure the federal government will respect Native lands and culture
AIM (American Indian Movement)