my favourite physical feature about you
What is eye wrinkles
What is my least favourite food
Movie we were watching when you asked me to be your girlfriend
It’s what’s inside
the video on your instagram that make me go “oh my god, I can’t believe he’s my boyfriend“
What is, trick question, all of them
What are my 2 favourite foods
1. Sushi
2. Corn dogs
What we were talking about when I accidentally referred to you as my boyfriend that prompted you to ask me to be your girl friend
Making pierogies
My favourite thing that you wear
What is, frescy jeans,
What is my go to highball
Tequila soda (lime optional)
my favourite word that you say
When I knew I loved you
My birthday party day, December 28th, you were epic w me and my mom, then epic with my friends, and then you teared up talking about me
My top 3 favourite things you do (no order)
1. Play guitar (bonus if you make me cry)