What note has two flags connected to a golf bat?
A Sixteenth Note
Clap the following and name them:
Eighth note, 4x sixteenth notes, Half note, Eighth note
What note makes the sound to-oo?
A Half note
Clap the rhythem and name them:
Quarter note, tied quarter notes, 4x Sixteenth notes
Name a note that is the answer to 16+16.
A 32nd note
Clap the rhythem and name them:
Half note, 2x Sixteenth note, Eighth note, 2x Sixteenth note, Eighth note
If a line was in 4/4 time, what ONE note can be used to fill one hole bar?
A whole note
Clap the rhythem and name them:
2x Eighth note, 2x Sixteenth note, Eighth note, 2x Sixteenth note, Eighth note, Quarter note
My hole is hollow, and I have no flags but I do have a dot. What am I?
A dotted whole note
Clap the rhythem and name them:
2x Sixteenth notes, Eighth note, 2x Eighth notes, Eighth note, 4x Sixteenth notes, Eighth rest