What does AAAHC stand for?
What is Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care?
I need to know where the nearest one is to me.
What is fire extinguisher?
Where can a patient find our Client's Rights and Responsibilities?
What is in the lobby at every clinic?
This must be on the back of all release of records.
What is Notice of Rights and Other Information?
Compliance Privacy Officer.
Who is Kathy Busenius?
I am not allowed to use this for storage.
What is cardboard?
This must be used in all client accessible areas.
What is outlet covers?
Consent for Treatment.
What is what must be obtained prior to a client receiving care?
This must be on all fax cover pages.
What is disclosure and warning?
Safety Officer.
Who is Bill Landowski?
What is Protected Health Information?
What does MSDS stand for?
What is Material Safety Data Sheet?
Difference between an SOP and a Policy?
Can release medical records.
What is Health Information Management Department?
Infection Prevention Specialist?
Who is Michelle-Lewis Lusso?
How can a client get medical assistance after hours?
What is call any clinic and they can be transferred to an after-hours nurse?
This is where our MSDS's are stored?
What is in the YELLOW MSDS binder and on the Intranet?
How many levels of confidentiality and information security violations are there?
What is 3? Level I: Accidental and/or due to lack of proper education. Level II: Purposeful violation of privacy policy or second occurrence of Level I vioations (within a one-year period). Level III: Purposeful violation of privacy policy with associated potential for client harm.
Where do we keep our Safety Binder?
What is in the front office at each clinic?
Liz Lara-O'Rourke
Who is our CEO?
This is where our provider's name and licensure is posted.
What is in the license case in the lobby at each clinic?
Where can I find a list of our Emergency Codes?
What is on my badge?
How can I find forms, SOPs and Policies?
What is search key words on Policy Manager?
Chief Operations Officer
Who is Stephanie Weldon?