What amount of implementation is recommended with AAC?
Daily implementation
What feature can you use to locate a specific word within a communication app?
The search feature
What core vocabulary words can an individual use to make a request?
"Help", "need", "more", "want"
What are the 3 types of AAC?
No tech, low tech, high tech
Which at-home routines can AAC be implemented into?
Bed-time routine, morning routine, meal-time, bathroom routine
What can AAC facilitate?
Speech development
What feature do LAMP, TouchChat, and Proloquo2Go offer to help people communicate using words that may not be available within the app?
The keyboard feature
What core vocabulary words can an individual use to reject something?
"Stop", "no"
What is 1 high tech AAC apps discussed today?
LAMP, TouchChat, or Proloquo2Go
What does AAC stand for?
Augmentative and alternative communication
How might an individual feel when AAC implementation is delayed?
Anxious and frustrated
What feature do LAMP, TouchChat, and Proloquo2Go offer to adjust the loudness and softness of communications?
The volume feature
Which form of vocabulary has high frequency words?
Core Vocabulary/ Core Words
What type of AAC has auditory features but does not contain a digital screen?
Low tech AAC
What is one form of communication?
Pointing, verbalizing, using a verbal output device
AAC promotes the development of language and what other skill?
Literacy skills
What feature can an individual click to repeat what word/words were most recently selected (as way to make a sentence or to repeat themselves)?
The speech display bar
Which form of vocabulary contains more nouns?
Fringe Vocabulary/ Fringe Words
What type of AAC has visual features but does not contain technological features?
No tech AAC
When is AAC augmentative?
AAC is augmentative when used to supplement existing speech.
AAC is not considered what type of solution?
A one-size-fits-all solution
What feature can an individual click to remove words from the speech display bar?
The back button, the clear button, or the "x"
What type of AAC is the Give Me 20 board?
No tech
Which type of AAC can contain core words?
Any type of AAC can contain core words!
When is AAC alternative?
AAC is alternative when used in place of speech that is absent or not functional.