Trends and Statistics
Chemistry Behind Drug Abuse & Addiction
Name 2 reasons why a teenager/minor may abuse alcohol.
What are stress, peer pressure, curiosity, feel more relaxed, as a method of coping with personal problems.
The current trend of teenage alcohol usage has ________ over time.
What is decreased
A ____________ and ______________ dependence on a substance or activity is called addiction.
What are a physiological and psychological.
This is the first step to recovery (two part answer)
What is recognize there is a problem (with drug or alcohol) and make the decision to get clean.
Research has found that there often exists a link between alcoholism and _________
What is genetics
Name 3 things that one should not do when a person has alcohol poisoning.
What are give him/her food, coffee, cold shower, tell him/her to sleep, leave him/her alone, make him/her walk it off.
The U.S. consumes what percentage of drugs in the world.
What is 80%
This emotional or behavioral condition means centers around being overly concerned with other people's behavior and problems, and feeling driven to fix and control those problems, which can often lead to lying for the addict, lending them money, and making excuses for them.
What is codependency
This is the reason that the use of even small amounts of alcohol or other drugs by the recovering addict considered relapse
What is even the slightest amount of the drug can send the person back into addiction.
This is the amount of time it usually takes for a drug abuser's brain chemistry to change?
What is 1 year
Any quantity of alcohol can ___________ the central nervous system. When consumed quickly or in large doses, it can ___________ the body's involuntary processes such as breathing, the heartbeat and the gag reflex which prevents choking.
What are Depress / slow or stop.
These two drugs have become the most popular among teens in the last 10 years
What is cannabis and ecstasy.
Physical dependence is characterized by tolerance (the need for increasingly ____________ doses to achieve the initial effect) and _____________ symptoms when the user is abstinent (not using).
What are Higher; Withdrawal.
List 2 of the three main reasons why an addict usually chooses to go into treatment.
1. When it is required by family or legal system. 2. When the addict has a moment of clarity. 3. When they realize they can die from their addiction.
This portion of the brain that controls decision making and as a result of repeated drug usage, can become "disabled" due to repeated drug use.
What is the pre-fontal cortext
Name 4 common signs of alcohol poisoning.
What are does not respond to other people talking, vomits while sleeping, cannot remain standing, won't wake up despite repeated attempts, has slow irregular breathing, has bluish/purple skin, has clammy skin, has an irregular pulse rate or heart rhythm.
After marijuana, these 2 drug categories account for most of the top drugs abused by teens?
What are Prescription medicine and Over the counter medicine, specifically codeine.
This is the definition of recovery as defined in the Basic Text of NA?
What is an active Change in attitudes and behaviors?
This type of recovery therapy works to identify and change dysfunctional thinking, behavior, and emotional responses
What is cognitive behavioral therapy
Alcohol poisoning is defined as a "severe elevation of the _____________."
What is blood alcohol level
These blood alcohol percentage levels are considered a "potentially lethal" blood alcohol content?
What are 0.26% ~ 0.40%
This percentage of teens in the United States abused alcohol in 2010?
What are 71%
What are the three aspects that make up "True Addiction" according to the 12 step philosophy of NA?
What is Compulsion, Obsession, and Total Self Centeredness
A set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioral problems
What is a 12-step program
A collection of pus (dead neutrophils) that has accumulated in a cavity formed by the tissue in which the pus resides on the basis of an infectious process is a process that occurs due to frequent iv drug usage
What is an Abscesses