Define It
Communicative Competence
Change the narrative

Explain the definition of AAC to a family

AAC means all of the ways that someone communicates besides talking. People of all ages can use AAC if they have trouble with speech or language skills. Augmentative means to add to someone’s speech. Alternative means to be used instead of speech. Some people use AAC throughout their life. Others may use AAC only for a short time, like when they have surgery and can’t talk.


Communicative competence depends on knowledge, judgment, and skills in four interrelated domains.

Provides examples of knowledge and skills needed for operational competence. 

Operational Competence

  • Powering the device on/off
  • Adjusting the volume
  • Accessing the information on the screen; visual field scanning, direct selection, etc.
  • Developing proficiency in using the system efficiently


AAC is a disability in which an individual needs to supplement or compensate for impairments in speech-language production and/or comprehension, including spoken and written modes of communication.

False- AAC is not a disability. It is an area of practice. 

ASHA say's

"Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an area of clinical practice that supplements or compensates for impairments in speech-language production and/or comprehension, including spoken and written modes of communication. AAC falls under the broader umbrella of assistive technology, or the use of any equipment, tool, or strategy to improve functional daily living in individuals with disabilities or limitations."


Edit the following statement to make it true

AAC is a “last resort” intervention.

AAC is a speech-language intervention 


Explain the role of an AAC finder

The role of an AAC finder is to identify persons with complex communication needs and refer these individuals and their families to appropriate AAC service providers. This role requires knowledge of the local AAC services and resources that are available. Professionals such as school and medical personnel may fill this role; in addition, physicians may certify AAC prescriptions for the funding of AAC technologies and intervention services.


Communicative competence depends on knowledge, judgment, and skills in four interrelated domains.

Provides examples of knowledge and skills needed for linguistic competence.

Linguistic Competence

  • Understanding and using the language of the device, whether it contains symbolic or concrete icons, and/or written words
  • Using the device for a variety of communication functions: greeting, requesting, commenting, disagreeing, protesting, sharing information, reciting stories/songs/prayers, etc.
  • Using vernacular that is commonly expressed at home, with family, with friends, and at school/work
  • Combining words into phrases/sentences


AAC is an option for individuals who have temporarily lost communication ability. 

True, name some instances where AAC might be used temporarily   


Edit the following statement to make it true. 

AAC impedes cognition, speech and/or language development.

AAC has been proven to aid cognition, speech and/or language development.


Explain the role of an AAC Daily facilitator. Who do you think would be considered an AAC facilitator?

AAC facilitators provide the day-to-day support needed by the person who relies on AAC. They may be family members, friends, or staff members in care settings. AAC facilitators’ responsibilities may include maintaining (charging and cleaning) AAC technology, programming new messages or words in low- or high-tech systems, instructing unfamiliar communication partners, and serving as a liaison with other AAC personnel and AAC companies.


Communicative competence depends on knowledge, judgment, and skills in four interrelated domains.

Provides examples of knowledge and skills needed for social competence.

Social Competence

  • Engaging in discourse: greeting, replying, turn-taking, introducing and maintaining a topic, changing a topic, ending a conversation, etc.
  • Connecting through expression of wants and needs, information, questions, comments, protests, feelings, etc.

SLPs should wait until an infant or toddler is developmentally ready to speak (around the first word) before starting AAC intervention.

False; early intervention is important. Infants and toddlers who are at risk for speech development should be introduced to AAC. 


Edit the following statement to make it true. 

Individuals must demonstrate a certain “prerequisite skills” to benefit from AAC tools, techniques and strategies.

There are no required “prerequisite skills” to benefit from AAC tools, techniques and strategies.


Explain the role of an AAC specialist

AAC intervention specialists, who have greater expertise in AAC, take on a leadership role in coordinating intervention for the child or adult who requires supports. Specialists’ responsibilities may include implementing low- and high-tech AAC options, obtaining materials and technologies, coordinating the team of professionals involved, instructing and training individuals who rely on AAC and important communication partners, monitoring the effectiveness of AAC interventions, and recommending needed changes. Specialists may work in educational, medical, or rehabilitation settings or in private practice.


Communicative competence depends on knowledge, judgment, and skills in four interrelated domains.

Provides examples of knowledge and skills needed for strategic competence. 

Strategic Competence

  • Repairing communication breakdown
  • Using the most effective communication method and vocabulary for the context of the situation
  • Using compensatory strategies within the AAC system for effective communication


Communication of needs/wants and information transfer are the only two purposes of AAC.   


1) communication of needs/wants 

2) information transfer 

3) social closeness

 4) social etiquette

5) Internal dialogue 

are all communicative purposes of AAC 


Edit the following statement to make to make it true 

AAC involves sophisticated high technology systems only.

AAC involves sophisticated high-technology systems.