Not So Earth Friendly
Water World
USF Sustainability Brags

In this process, plants convert photons from the sun into energy.

What is Photosynthesis? 


This is the most common Greenhouse Gas

What is CO2?


This mascot, created in 1944, is known for his famous slogan, "Only YOU can prevent wildfires," promoting wildfire prevention in the United States.  

Who is Smokey the Bear?


This makes up 71% of the Earth's surface, providing habitat for marine life and regulating the planet's climate.

What are Oceans?


Located at the University of South Florida, this 16-acre site features a diverse collection of plants, walking trails, and educational programs focused on conservation and sustainability.

What are the USF Botanical Gardens?


Defined by the Brundtland Commission in 1987, this term refers to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What is sustainability?


This is the process of trapping green house gases due to human activities

What is Global Warming? 


In what Pixar film do humans live in a space colony after Earth becomes uninhabitable due to pollution and waste?

What is Wall-E?


These harmful algal blooms can produce toxins that are dangerous to marine life, humans, and the environment. They often result from nutrient runoff and rising temperatures.

What are harmful algal blooms (HABs)?

This popular USF Building has a LEED Silver Certification

What is the USF Library?


This landmark U.S. legislation passed in 1963 and amended several times, aims to control air pollution on a national level.

What is the Clean Air Act?


This pollutant, a byproduct of burning fossil fuels, is composed of microscopic solid or liquid particles suspended in the air and is linked to respiratory diseases and cardiovascular problems. Abbreviated as PM.

What is Particulate Matter?


What recent Marvel movie features themes of environmental degradation and exploitation of natural resources, particularly related to the mining of vibranium?

What is Black Panther?


Scientists estimate that microscopic algae roughly produce this percent of the oxygen on Earth.



The iconic USF Bull fountain on campus is designed to use harvested _____, promoting sustainable practices and reducing the demand on municipal water supplies.

What is rain water?


This international agreement, adopted in 2015, aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

What is the Paris Agreement?


This is a method used to extract oil and natural gas from underground rock formations. 

What is Oil fracking?


Celebrated annually on April 22nd, this global event was first held in 1970 to raise awareness about environmental protection and promote sustainable practices.

What is Earth Day?


This Sustainable Development Goal aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.

What is SDG 14?


This innovative building at the University of South Florida serves as a research and educational facility, showcasing energy-efficient technologies and sustainable design practices aimed at reducing the environmental impact of housing.  

What is the USF FLEX House?


What is the government agency that regulates modern day vehicle's fuel economy?

What is NHSTA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) ?


Asbestos, Benzene, and Mercury are all examples of...

What are Hazardous Air Pollutants?


Published in 1962, this groundbreaking book by Rachel Carson exposed the dangers of pesticides and is credited with launching the modern environmental movement.

What is Silent Spring?


There are ___ species of fish in the ocean

What is 30,000 plus?


Located at the University of South Florida, this energy-efficient fountain uses innovative technology to conserve water and minimize energy consumption while providing a visually appealing landscape feature.

What is the MLK Fountain?