Lessons from UNIV/Ways I managed my stress
Lessons From AUM/Smart Goal Reflection
School Resources
Thoughts and Advice
All About Me

I attended this for my UNIV Experimental Learning Assignment because of my interest in the subject matter. What was it.

The 2023 Durr Lecture. This stuck with me because I am very vocal abut my beliefs and the subject matter of us moving forward felt relevant to me.


This was done in my english class and completely changed the way I think about high school now.

Writing papers. We are always taught the 5 paragraph essay. But then in college I learned formats are not set in stone.


This is a very easy one as it a part of the reason I wanted to go to AUM.

Theatre AUM. I was electrics team and light board op for the first show and an actor for the Showcase in January.


One thing that felt easier in college for me was this. I'll give you a hint we all hated in school.

Homework. Going in I was prepared for loads of work, It is a manageable amount of work.


What is my Major.

Theatre. This came as a result of my former director Brady Walker and out of dedication to my late mother.


This Project was one of our biggest grades and had us investigate our major. What was it.

The midterm project. This was helpful to me because it led me to investigate my major and see the career paths it can take me.


In high school, I always stuck with my clique. that later changed when I got to college by doing this.

Attend Events. I learned to become more involved and more social when I attended events on campus.


I would attend their events if I was able to.



This was something else that also made me very fearful not just about AUM but all colleges.

Tuition Costs. As a student who is paying for tuition by themselves it wasn't as bad as I  thought it was.


What State am I originally from.

 New Jersey. I lived there up until 10th grade and I moved down to Alabama.


this assignment was very fun but very active and it involved me doing something I thought I would never do in my life.

The Wellness Center Scavenger Hunt. I never thought i can shoot a basketball and make it. I did, in ten attempts.


This was something I done all throughout high school and it changed while in college even though I had to fight it.

Procrastination. I learned just getting the work done earlier and not right before its due takes a lot of pressure and stress off.

before I started going into the book store I would go in here and stay until class.

The Library


One thing that I struggled with this semester was this class. 

Math. I was never good at math but there were ways that I could've done better with it.


What is my Favorite Anime

Neon Genesis Evangelion. Don't ask me to explain the lore or the plot of it.


This has always been my outlet of getting the stress away when I am constantly always stressed out about something.

Theatre. Whether it is reading,acting,working or watching. Theatre has always been my escape because it allows me to space out of the real world and transport into the story.


This smart goal was the closest one to accomplish and took the least amount of time. 

Complete the bridge program. I completed majority of the goal except for one part.


I only came here twice for tutoring

The I.S.L.


What is one way that I could've done better in my math class.

Go to tutoring at the ISL and improve my math skills.


Name one of my High School theatre Credits

Brannigan: Guys and Dolls, Ensemble: Chicago, Bubba/Goober, Fussin an' a' Feudin, Richard Hannay : The 39 Steps, Lead Stage Manager/Lighting Designer : Mammia Mia: The Musical, Mr. Webb: Our Town


I use this both when I am stressed and while working what am I.

Music. It calms me down an brings me joy. Music was also used before a show to help calm the nerves because when i get stressed I become forgetful and and start to heat up.


I did fall short in one class, Which class was it? And how am I going to fix this.

Math 0700. Taking Logic as my math credit


This spot is now where I currently go when I do not have classes.

The Bookstore

If I could I give one piece of advice to incoming first year students it will be this. I will give a hint the answer is in another category.

Don't procrastinate and do your work early or on time.

Earlier this Year, I got to work with Neil David Seibil. What was it.

Young southern Writers Project as part of the Southern Writers Festival at the Alabama Shakerspeare Festival.