Coping Strategies
Being Kind
Life Skills
Star Wars Only!

Luke Skywalker is nervous to face Darth Vader. what coping strategy should he use?

Luke should take a deep breath! Being nervous is an uncomfortable feeling and taking a deep breath can help him calm down. 


Darth Vader and Darth Maul are the kindest people in the galaxy, TRUE or FALSE?

FALSE! They are Evil!


Darth Vader is trying to hurt Luke Skywalker with his light saber. Is this safe?

No! Trying to hurt other people is super dangerous!


C3P0 is planning a trip with R2D2 what does he need to do before they go? 

C3P0 needs to plan what he needs to bring and make sure they are ready by eating before!


Who is C3P0's best friend?



Darth Vader lost a battle to Luke Skywalker. Darth Vader is very angry about this. What coping strategy should he us?

He should see if its a big deal or a little deal! like playing games, losing one battle is a really little deal. 


C3P0 is teasing R2D2 and his pranks are not very nice. What should C3P0 do instead?

C3P0 should play funny but nice pranks! If he plans mean pranks he may hurt R2D2's feelings!


Luke Skywalkers space craft is on fire! What should he do?

Luke should get to safety, call 911, and then wait and listen to their instructions until the fire is out!


If Luke wants to buy a new light saber what should he do?

He needs to count his money and make sure he has enough!


Who tries to convince Luke Skywalker to come to the dark side? 

Darth Vader!


Darth Maul and Darth Vader are not agreeing on a plan. They are starting to get frustrated. What is the best coping strategy for them?

They should talk it out! Talking it out helps us figure out what the other person is thinking without getting frustrated.


Luke Skywalker is being mean to Leia, even though she is just trying to help him. Is this a good or bad thing?

It's a bad thing! We need to be kind to the people that are helping us so that they will want to help us again.


R2D2 keeps wondering away from the group in a very busy area is this safe?

No! he could get lost or someone could take him and then C3P0 would be so scared for his safety!


C3P0 is going to fill the space ship with supplies before they travel to the next planet. What does he need to make before he goes to the store? 

A shopping list! If he makes a shopping list he wont forget what he needs. 


Who helps Luke Skywalker train for battle?



Darth Vader is not controlling his anger. He's taking it out on everyone else! What is the best coping strategy he can use?

Darth Vader should take a break and calm down. Taking a break helps us stop using anger towards everyone. 


Darth Vader is yelling and throwing things at his Storm Troopers because he is upset. What should he do instead?

Darth Vader should be using kind words and coping strategies. The Storm Troopers don't like being yelled at!


Leia is super lost on a planet she doesnt know. She needs to ask for help. Who are some safe people should could ask?

Leia can ask someone working in a business or community helpers like police or fire fighters!


Luke Skywalker paid for his new light saber. He got his change back but didnt count it. Does he know if its correct?

No! He didn't count his change so he has no idea! he could have been given the wrong amount!


What side is going to win in Star Wars? The dark side or the good side?

The good side!


Why are coping strategies so important?

Because coping strategies keep us calm! Everyone uses them. Including Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader!


Why is it important that Darth Vader and Darth Maul try and be kind to others?

Because you should always be kind to others! If they practiced being kind maybe they would stop being evil!


Darth Vader is using peer pressure to try and get Luke Skywalker to join him. What is the peer pressure plan that could help Luke?

Luke can tell Darth Vader NO! If he doesn't listen Luke could suggest that Darth Vader join him instead. If he STILL doesn't listen Luke can go find someone for help!


Chewbacca is hungry! He's going to go to a restaurant to order some food. What does he need to remember to do?

Chewbacca is going to look at the menu, tell the waitress what he wants and wait for his food!


What does Luke find out about Darth Vader?

That he is his father!