This teacher is the Supervisor, Operations Manager, Executive Director, Warlock, Captain, President, Head Coach, Head of House hold, and Batman of the program we are in today?
Who is Katie Crowe?
What do we do before we eat snack?
What is, wash our hands?
This nickname comes from a past AASP student, that is now past down to their "little" sibling.
Who is "Little Perry"?
This student's last name is a tool the wizards and warlocks use to cast spells
Who is Brianna Wand?
Should you give Ahmad a cookie?
No, he eats too many sweets already
This teacher shows no mercy to students when playing games (gym, board games, card games)
Who is Jon?
Recite the 3 Angier Rules
What is:
*Take care of ourselves
*Take care of others
*Take care of our environment
This student's nickname is based off of a rolled up pizza.
Who is "Calzone"?
In kindergarten, this kind student almost shared the same last name as their teacher at the time.
Who is Sarah Fraser?
At birth, a panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces.
True or False?
This staff member will sometimes sing during their time at afterschool. But, also sings in various locations outside of school.
Who is Melanie?
Recite the 3 rules of the Gym
What is:
*Safe Bodies
*No climbing on mats
*Freeze, take a knee
This nickname was given because this student is sometimes too silly for their own good.
Who is "Ousman Sillyman"?
Ahmad often refers to this person as little Bruno Mars
Who is Calyan Leacock?
Internet memes (picture or video) are used only to make people laugh.
True or False?
This staff member is planning to come back to Angier next year?
Who is Brad?
When Ahmad spins you on the spinning cone outside, what are the 2 main rules he has for the this activity?
What is:
*Backs to the ropes
*No limbs hanging out side
This nickname was added to a student's last name because one syllable is half of this character's name from Avatar: The Last Air Bender.
Who is "Ryan Momo"?
This student is always ready to help teachers set up or assist in activities.
Who is Elsa Rieke-Neilson?
Now extinct, the colossus penguin stood as tall as NBA basketball player Lebron James.
True or False?
This teacher has the same first name as the founder of the AASP Program.
Who is Peter?
In Gaga Ball, when is the ball in play?
What is, after 3 bounces with the chant "Ga, Ga, Ball"?
The only acceptable nickname Ahmad has created.
Who is "Chibs"?
In kindergarten, during circle time this student shouted "I'm Justin Beiber La la la la la"
Who is Maggie Butler?
Should you eat the last Jelly donut and not think about how Ahmad would feel afterwards?