How many schools at NU are there?
Main mission of Astana Ball
The main mission of the ball is to raisefunds for charitable purposes, as wellas to promote a sense of civic andsocial responsibility.
Abel Tesfaye
The Weeknd
Қазақтың үш бәйтерегі кім?
Ілияс Жансүгіров, Сәкен Сейуллин, Беимбет Майлин
Who is the author of the saying:
Qu'ils mangent de la brioche (Let them eat cake)
Marie Antoinette
What is the percentage of female students for Fall 2023?
What was the reason for postponing the Astana Ball last year?
Measles outbreak
Marshall Mathers III
Жеті жарғы қай ханның заңдар жиынтығы болды?
Тәуке Хан
Who are the founding fathers of the USA? (Name any 3)
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison
How many undergraduate programs are available now?
22 (without Business Administration)
Astana Ball has been held annually since?
Elizabeth Woolridge Grant
Lana Del Rey
Дінмұхамед Қонаевтан кейін тағайындалған ҚазКСР бірінші хатшысы кім болды?
Геннадий Колбин
Why is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand important?
This event in 1914 triggered World War I
What is the total number of Faculty and Staff?
What is the date of the Astana Ball this year?
8th of November
Stefani Joanne Germanotta
Lady Gaga
Қазақтың бес арысы кім?
Ахмет Байтұрсынов
Шәкәрім Құдайбердіұлы
Мағжан Жұмабаев
Жүсіпбек Аймауытов
Міржақып Дулатов
Which treaty ended World War I in 1919?
The Treaty of Versailles.
What are the standings of NU in world university rankings by THE?
What is the amount of money collected in 2023-2024?
2,020,202 tg collected in 2023-24 for “Baqytty Shanyraq” fund
Charlotte Emma Aitchison
Charli XCX
Ақтабан шұбырынды, Алқакөл сұлама орын алған жылдары
1723 –1727
What are the first and last dynasties of imperial China?
Qin and Qing