Assonance repeats vowel sounds in nearby words giving your writing a smooth and melodic flow
to have a solution to a problem.
who is the author of the book PUSH
why do you think sapphire has chosen to end the story where she does, does the story end on a hopeful or sad note.
the end was happy bcause she got to be with her kids and left her mother
takes a peice of something to represwnt the entire thing or vice versa
To have strong emotions about something or someone you love.
who wrote the hate you give
angela tompson
where did the danes go for entertainment?
Mead hall.
onomotopoeia is like strapping a microphone onto your text
A belief or a set of beliefs
who wrote invisible man
ralph ellison
Why is it imperative for precious to lose her prejudices and why is it detrimental to her?
she has to let go of her own bias image of someone she doesn't know who can help her its the only way she can help herself.
irony says one thing but means another, often with a wink or sly grin
To hide or cover up
who wrote native son
richard wright
How does sapphire depict precious mother and father?
Terrible parents who exsposed their daughter to physical and mental trauma.
hyperbole is your go to move when you need to dial up the drama
To be excessive without it being necessary.
who wrote absent
DR.Michael james
How does ms.rain help precious?
Ms.rain encourgaes precios to get a education and to write poetry which gives a sense of triumph.