Name 2 cases from the 3rd mishna (This answer doesn't have to be the same as what I wrote.)
One person deposits 100 zuz and one 1000 zuz, both claim they deposited 1000.
One person deposits a jug and one a nicer one, both claim they deposited the nicer one.
If you prepare 10 birds and put it in a dovecote and on Yom Tov you find 32, can you shecht them?
רבה בר בר חנה
אמורא 2
Shnayim Ochazin...
What does רבי יוחנן say about the first mishna? what is the proof?
That he doesn't have to pay right away. The proof is that the seifa of the mishna says wants to pay.
What is the machlokes between רבי מאיר and רבי יוסי about the bones of somebodies mother and father?
רבי מאיר-It is a simcha for him רבי יוסי-It is mourning for him
נשיא of Reuven
אֱלִיצ֖וּר בֶּן־שְׁדֵיאֽוּר
תנא 2
What was Bar Kochba's real name?
Shimon Bar Kosiba
What is the 2 different things the מלוא says in the cases of סלע הלויתני עיליו?
1: It's worth 1 sela
2: It's worth 5 dinarim
According to בית הלל how may one grind spices?
Their regular way with a stone crusher
רבי יונתן בן אלעזר
אמורא 1
Was רבי מתיא בן חרש a תנא or אמורא
A תנא
What does חופרין mean?
רבי זריקא
אמורא 3
Who is the תנא of פרק ב משנה ט״ו of פרקי אבות?
רבי טרפון
Name ALL the cases with the דין תיקו
Case of.......
What is a קילון?
A shadoof
The נשיא of EACH Shevet
Too lazy to write them all...
רבי יוסי בר חנינא
אמורא 2
How did Daniel die?
Haman trampeled him with his horse