Book of Mormon
Articles of Faith

Who is our current prophet?

Russell M. Nelson


Name Nephi's two older brothers?

Laman and Lemuel


How many articles of faith are there?



Fill in the blank.  Whenever I touch of a ___________rose.



What is the name of our Bishop?



What was President Nelson's career before being called to become an apostle?

Cardio Surgeon /doctor


Name of the curious ball that acted as a compass



In the 8th Article of Faith, what are the two books mentioned that are the word of God?

300 Bonus points for closely quoting the 8th Article of Faith

Book of Mormon and the Bible 

“We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.”


What is the name of the garden that Christ went to willingly?



What does the bread and water represent in the sacrament?

The Body of Christ and the Blood of Christ.


Name the president of the church before Pres. Nelson?

Thomas S. Monson


What provided light on the Jaredite barges?

Stones touched by the hand of God


In the 4th Article of Faith it tells us  the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are?  What are those principles and ordinances? Hint:  There are 4 of them, the  first principle is Faith. 

250 Bonus points for closely quoting the 4th Article of Faith.

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

Second Repentance for the Remission of Sins

Third Baptism by immersion for the resmission of sins

Fourth The laying on hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost


What is the name of the song whose first verse is....I love to read the holy scriptures, 

And ev'ry time I do, I feel the Spirit start to grow within my heart-  A testimony that they're true.  

200 Bonus points if you can sing the chorus to this song. 

Search, Ponder and Pray


 Serarch, ponder and pray. Are the things that I must do.  

The spirit will guide and deep inside, I'll know the scriptures are true.  


What is the organization called for the women of the Church?

Relief Society


Who was the prophet after Joseph Smith?  Hint:  There is a university named after this prophet.

Brigham Young


Name of Lamanite prophet that foretold of the coming of Christ?

Samuel the Lamanite


 Which article of faith does not start with we believe?  What does it start with and tell us what the article of faith talk about. 

300 bonus points for closely quoting this article of faith. 

We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.


repeat the last line in the each of the 3 verses of Book of Mormon Stories.  

verse 1  Long ago their fathers came from far across the sea... finish 

verse 2 Book of Mormon stories say that we must brother be,,,

Verse 3  Struck before his brethren. Alma learned humility---

Verse 1  Giv'n this land if they lived righteously

Verse 2  Giv'n this land if WE live righteously

verse 3 Then he taught in the land righteously  


How old do you have to be to go into the temple?

Eleven turning 12 in that calendar year.


How many children does President Nelson have?

100 bonus points for knowing how may sons he had.

Ten.  Nine daughters and one son.


The longest book in the Book of Mormon?



What does the 9th article of faith tell us about?  

400 Bonus points for closely reciting the 9th Article of Faith

We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.


The song "He Sent His Son" which is appropriate to sing at Easter time, asks questions and then gives the answer in the next line.  Give the answer to the first question of the song which is... "How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness?"

100 Bonus points for any additional questions and answers in the song that you know and can tell us. 

He sent his son, a newborn babe, with peace and holiness. 


What year was the church organized in?