+ or - & SR or SP
Analyze This

A child asks for a cookie politely and is given a cookie, in the future the child always asks for a cookie politely

What is + reinforcement


This strategy involves differential reinforcments of successive approximations to a terminal behavior.

What is shaping


The number of occurrences of a behaviour

What is count/frequency


A mother goes to the store and her child cries for a toy so she buys it. What is the function of crying

What is access to tangibles


The science in which tactics are derived from the principles of behaviour are applied to improve socially significant behaviour and experimentation is used to identify the variables responsible for the improvement in behaviour.

What is applied behavior analysis


I have a headache and took and advil, my headache went away and now I always take advil when I get a headache

What is - reinforcement


This strategy involves reinforcing all behaviors within a time interval besides the target behavior.

What is differential reinforcement of other behaviors


Number of behaviors per unit of time

What is Rate


Jack touches Susie's arm. Susie smacks Jack. Jack moves his arm away. This could be the function of Susie smacking Jack.

What is escape/avoidance


A system whereby participants earn generalized conditioned reinforcers to exchange them from a menu of backup reinforcers

What is token economy


A child is given an additional chore after failing to eat all of his dinner. He ate all of his dinner the next night.

What is + punishment


A student is reinforced on average of 5 responses

What is variable ratio schedule (VR-5)


Elapsed time between the onset of a stimulus (or instruction) and the initiation of a response

What is response latency


Every time Liam sneezed I said bless you which he enjoys. Liam would then pretend to sneeze several times in a row. Eventually I stop saying bless you to Liam and he stops fake sneezing. What is this concept called?

What is extinction


Breaking complex skills or a series of behaviours into smaller teachable units.

What is a task analysis


A child was hitting his brother, his mother took away all of his toys and he never hit his brother again

What is - punishment


When a client can perform a learned skill in the clinic but now can do it in the home and at Publix

What is generalization


the amount of time a behaviour occurs

What is duration


A woman has a 4 year old child and a newborn. When the mother holds her newborn, the 4 year old always starts screaming. The woman always starts talking to the 4 year old after he screams. This could be the function of the screaming.

What is attention (positive social interaction)


This is an increase in the frequency of responding when an extinction procedure is initially implemented

What is an extinction burst



What is + punishment


Grandma's law (first...then...) is also known as this antecedent strategy.

What is Premack Principle


The time between two responses given by a learner

What is interresponse time


Reappearance of a conditioned response that was previously extinguished.

What is spontaneous recovery


A time sampling method for measuring behaviour in which the observation period is divided into a series of brief time intervals. The observer records whether the target behaviour occurred throughout the entire interval

What is whole interval recording