Functions of Behaviors
Verbal Operants
Analyze This
1 Step vs GMI

Tx: "What animal eats cheese?" Child: Ignores Tx, whines, and rolls away. Tx doesn't give the Sd again.

What is Escape?


Child: is riding with mom in the car They see a local toco bell sign. they point and shout, "tacooooo bell"!!!!!!!!!!

What is Tact?


Therapist records this situation on paper: Child is told it is time for lunch, child flops, Tx says to stand up. This data is used to help assess behavior protocols.

What is Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence data aka ABC data?


Child screaming. Tx: "What do you want?" Child continues screaming while looking toward ball popper toy. Tx: "Tell me what you want." Child points at ball popper toy. Tx: "Oh you want the ball popper toy? Here you can have it." Gives child the toy. Next time child wants something, they point. What did the therapist do? 

What is Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior?


Tx: "Do this." Tx claps hands then child claps hands

What is Gross Motor Imitation?


Child runs up and pushes another child. Tx: "That isn't very nice." Child pushes another child. Tx: "Why are you pushing your friends?" Child runs to a Tx and pushes Tx.

What is Attention?


Child points to Oreo. The child eats the Oreo. 

What is Mand?


Child swipes toys off table 4 times.

What is Frequency?


Child is putting fingers in mouth. Tx says "Clap hands." Child takes fingers out of mouth to clap hands. What did the therapist do? 

What is Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior?


Tx: "Touch nose." Child touches nose

What is 1 Step?


Child: playing with rice bin, rubbing hands in it. No demands placed.  

What is Sensory?


Tx: "Vacuum" then child says "Vacuum."

What is Echoic?


Child cries for 25 seconds and Tx records this data.

What is Duration?


Tx: "Touch your nose." Child touches ear. Tx: "Touch your nose." Uses least intrusive prompt to touch child's nose. "That's touching your nose. What did the therapist do?

What is Error Correction?


Tx is zipping up the child's lunch box, say "Do this." Tx gives the child their lunch box. The child zips their lunchbox. 

What is Gross Motor Imitation?


Child see tablet, climbs the table, and grabs the tablet. 

What is Tangibles?


Tx: "What do you see outside?" Child replies "cars" (in a windowless room where they can't see cars). 

What is Intraverbal?


Tx: "Touch your head." Child takes 5 seconds then touches head.

What is Latency?


Tx: "Grab a piece of paper." Child sighs and says "I don't want to." Tx: "You need to listen." Child: "I don't want to!" Tx ignores Bx. Child repeats himself. Tx continues to ignore. What did the therapist do? 

What is Extinction?


Tx: Grabs their coat, says to the child, "Grab your backpack". 

What is 1 Step?


The acronym for the Functions of Behaviors.

What is SEAT?


Tx places cards on table and says "Where is the fireman?" The child scans the cards and points to the fireman.

What is Receptive Identification?


Child is playing and spits in hand and rubs it. Tx enters data for the 5 minute time frame even though it only occurred a few seconds.

What is Partial Time Interval Sampling?


All Txs are following protocol consistently, but the child's Bx (that went away) has started again.

What is Spontaneous Recovery?


Tx: "Try this one." Tx sits down then child copies Tx.

What is Gross Motor Imitation?