A. Measurement
B. Assessment
C. Skills Acquisition
D. Behavior Reduction
E. Documentation & Reporting

Reading data from previous sessions, having materials ready for session, and preparing for how to run programs is part of preparing to do this during session.

What is prepare for data collection?


Joan is an RBT conducting a preference assess. She places an array of six potential reinforcers out in front of her client, Max. Max selects a toy, then Joan records what item was chosen and removes it from the array. This is an example of what preference assessment?

What is a multiple stimulus without replacement?


Rachel, a student analyst, is assisting with writing this document--outlining behaviors and skills that are meant to be introduced and taught/trained, as well as their mastery criteria, materials needed, and applicable prompt methods...

What is a written skill acquisition plan?  


Tracy thinks that her client's behavior is due to gaining access to attention. Mark thinks that the client's behavior is due to gaining access to tangibles. Malory says that a behavior cannot have more than one function. You are asked your input on this, what do you say?

What is behaviors can have multiple functions?

This type of language must be used when writing reports...

What is objective language?


This type of data collection method measures every occurrence of a behavior.

What is continuous measurement?


This assessment procedure is performed through both direct and indirect methods to determine the hypothesized function of a behavior...

What is a functional behavior assessment?


When a baby is born, they cry for food and warmth. The need for food and warmth is which type of reinforcer?

What is an unconditioned reinforcer?


You skipped breakfast because you have a 9AM client. When you arrive, your client's mom is cooking bacon and pancakes. Yum! But your stomach is growling, ugh!! Now you're starving and really want some flapjacks. Your hunger increases the likelihood your asking for a plate of food, making your hunger be the..

What is an establishing operation?


Penelope sent an email on her work email account that included sensitive client information (without a blind carbon copy to protect this information from being seen by unauthorized parties). This action violates what law?

What is HIPPA?


This type of continuous measurement measures the time between the end of one response and the beginning to the same response

What is inter-response time?


This type of assessment method for FBA's is comprised of interviews, checklists, rating scales and questionnaires..

What is indirect methods?

Jackson is completing a reading assignment, which is overseen by Bob, his RBT. Bob provides reinforcement to Jackson about every 3 pages that Jackson reads. This is an example of what schedule of reinforcement? 

What is variable ratio (3)?


Nicole the RBT is about to start with a new client. Her BCBA said that the new client has a few behaviors that are marked for reduction. Nicole is heading to the office to ask about learning more about the new client's behaviors. Nicole needs to request this document from her supervisor..

What is a behavior reduction plan?


Sammy the RBT was informed by his client's mother that the client was sick the night before and did not sleep well. This specific piece of information may cause an increase in unwanted behaviors. Clinically, this information is described in session notes as a..

What is a setting event?

In these three ways to interpret data on graphs, there is trend, level, and this third way that is detected by analyzing how close or far apart the points on a line graph are to one another...

What is variability?


This type of observation method involves 1:1 observation of the client to determine the hypothesized function of their behaviors...

What is direct descriptive functional analysis?


Josh forgot to turn off his stove top while making breakfast, then placed his hand on the stove, burning it. This type of punisher is..

What is an unconditioned punisher?


Nicole accessed the BRP, hooray! She sees an area that discusses the behaviors on reduction, but her supervisor said that in order to implement the behavior reduction, she must find this area that discusses what appropriate behaviors we can teach instead. Nicole needs to look for..

What are replacement behaviors?


Robert's mother provided access to a preferred item during a tantrum event. Robert's tantrum behavior has now been reinforced by his mother. When writing the session note to include this, the parent's reinforcement behaviors would be included in which section of the service note?

What are barriers?


This observation method would involve checking if the students are engaged at specific surprise moments, rather than staring at them all day..

What is momentary time sampling?


Amy is reading this document, written by her BCBA, to further understand her client's intervention needs, specifically what behaviors are meant to be reduced or extinguished. This document contains crucial data about her client's assessments and intervention goals...

What is an individualized behavior plan? (IBP)


Evan's mom and dad are trying to teach him to locate and utilize restrooms other than his restroom at home. In order to do this, Evan's mom and dad vary the settings in which Evan uses the restroom. This is an example of...

What is generalization?


Nicole found the section she needed for training appropriate behaviors, woo! She sees a section that discusses reinforcing appropriate behaviors to decrease/lower rates of other behaviors. This reinforcement strategy is called...

What is differential reinforcement?


Beck is writing her session note, but notices that one section of her note is incomplete. She must describe how she trained/taught certain skills in this section of her note..

What are ABA techniques?