Reinforcement & Punishment
Teaching Strategies
R+ stands for this term
What is positive reinforcement (can also mean correct response)
This term refers to the activity of living organisms that is external or internal observable
What is behavior
Positive reinfocement occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by the _________ of a stimulus that ______ the future frequency of the behavior in similar conditions.
What is presentation, increases
This strategy involves differential reinforcments of successive approximations to a terminal behavior.
What is shaping
This is best classified as a request
What is a mand
This term is referred to as an FBA
What is What is a Functional Behavior Assessment
This is when the child is still learning a certain response. The response is being reinforced, and prompted if necessary but is not yet mastered.
What is acquisition trials
Positive punishment occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by the _________ of a stimulus that ______the future frequency of the behavior in similar conditions
What is presentation, decreases
This strategy involves reinforcing all other behaviors within a time interval besides the target behavior.
What is differential reinforcement of other behaviors (DRO)
Teacher: "Twinkle twinkle little" Child: "star" This is an example of
What is an intraverbal
This term is referred to as SD
What is discriminative stimulus
This is the process of breaking a complex skill or series of behaviors into smaller, teachable units; also refers to the result of this process.
What is task analysis
Negative reinforcement occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by the _________ of a stimulus that ______the future frequency of the behavior in similar conditions
What is removal, increases
This strategy involves withholding reinforcement for a previously reinforced behavior.
What is extinction
This is an increase in the frequency of responding when an extinction procedure is initially implemented
What is an extinction burst
This is commonly referred to as “ABC”
What is Antecedent Behavior Consequence
The sequence of new response classes that emerge during the shaping process as the result of differential reinforcement; each response class is closer in form to the terminal behavior than the response class it replaces.
What is successive approximations
Negative punishment occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by the _________ of a stimulus that ______the future frequency of the behavior in similar conditions
What is removal, decreases
This strategy involves repeatedly using the same SD several times in a row and is used to introduce new items and/or work on trouble items
What is mass trials
These are the four functions of behavior
What is access to tangibles, escape, attention and automatic reinforcement
S-R-C refers to this three word term
What is stimulus--response--consequence
These are the verbal operants
What is mand, tact, intraverbal and echoic
This is only reinforcing those responses within a response class that meet a specific criterion along some dimension (i.e., frequency, topography, duration, latency, magnitude) and placing all other responses in the class of extinction
What is differential reinforcement
This procedure is used for transferring stimulus control in which features of an antecedent stimulus controlling a behavior are gradually changed to a new stimulus while maintaining the current behavior
What is fading
In order for an item to be considered generalized, it must be across
What is different people, different settings and different stimuli