Age appropriate behaviors
Stages of play
Chaining and assent

True or false:

2-3 year old typically developing children easily share their toys?

What is false?


Often at this stage of play development children engage in imaginative or pretend play where they take on different roles. They will often create imaginative worlds and recreate scenes or scenarios that they are familiar with.

What is cooperative play?


The prompt to mark for data collection when more than one prompt is used

What is the most intrusive prompt?


The affirmative agreement or cooperation provided by an individual who may not have the legal capacity to provide informed consent, but who can express their willingness or preference to participate in an activity or intervention to the best of their understanding

What is assent?


Which of the following is NOT age appropriate for a two year old? 

No understanding of intentionality – they see, they do without thinking about why or what it means

Will follow their curiosity and will pull things down or apart to see what happens. Ditto with throwing anything onto the floor.

Increased attention span

Two of their favourite words to say, ‘Mine!’ and ‘No!’, and Two of their least favourite words to hear, ‘Mine!’ and ‘No!’

What is Attention span will start to increase which will impact on the type of discussions you are able to have with them


children are playing side-by-side but not interacting with each other. They’ll be playing with similar toys, but not playing together.

What is parallel play? 


This order of prompting:

Full physical

Partial physical





What is most to least?


Breaking down complex, multi step behaviors into smaller more manageable steps and teaching them systematically

What is chaining?


Which of the following is NOT age appropriate for 3 year olds?

Will flip between wanting to be independent (‘I do it!’, or ‘by myself’) and wanting to be treated like a little person (‘carry me’ or ‘you do it’).

Will start to assert control over their environment by wanting to plan activities, do things by themselves, try challenging things.

Needs one word commands (which probably won’t be followed)

What is needs one word commands (which probably won’t be followed)


At this stage, children will tend to watch other children playing, but won’t engage with them. They’ll simply observe

What is onlooker play?


This order of prompting:





Partial physical

Full physical

What is least to most?


 teaching a behavioral chain beginning with the first step: have the child complete the first step independently and then prompt all remaining steps

What is forward chaining?


Which of the following is NOT developmentally appropriate for 4 year olds?

Seldom obeys any verbal command

Will become competitive.

Will still blur reality and fantasy sometimes. Might tell lies, extravagant stories, or have imaginary friend/s.

What is seldom obeys any verbal command


During this stage, children play alone and do not interact with other children. They engage in activities that are self-directed, such as playing with toys or exploring their environment.

What is solitary play?


This order of verbal prompting:

Full Verbal

Partial Verbal

Phonemic Cue


What is most to least verbal prompting?


teaching a behavioral chain beginning with the last step: you would completely prompt the entire chain of behaviors except the last step

What is backward chaining?


Which of the following is NOT appropriate for 5 year olds?

Attention span will start to increase which will impact on the type of discussions you are able to have with them.

Has no concept of sharing

Might come across as being an ‘expert’ on everything.

What is has no concept of sharing?


This is the stage in child development where they begin directly engaging in activities with other children.

Although they will be engaging with peers, the play won’t be organized, and the children won’t be focused on a common goal. Each child will still be very focused on their own play and their own goals.

What is associative play?


This order of verbal prompting


Phonemic Cue

Partial Verbal

Full Verbal

What is least to most verbal prompting?


When you teach the complete behavior chain one step after another. The adult walks the child through each step, prompting as necessary.

What is total task chaining?