ABA Terminology
After the Behavior...
ABA Strategies
Functions of Behavior
ABA Concepts

An event that occurs after a behavior and changes the likelihood of that behavior



Withholding a reinforcer in order to eliminate a learned behavior that is undesirable.



Procedure in which multiple steps are completed in order to complete an overall task. Can be forward or backward.



A high schooler talks back to the teacher in the classroom. The other students laugh nervously, and the teacher sits the student down and talks to her for 5 minutes about why it is wrong to talk back to the teacher. Immediately, afterward, the student starts talking back to the teacher again. 



What is the disability category that is the most researched in the area of ABA? OR Which disability category is the target group of ABA?



The antecedent or stimuli given by the teacher to get the student to perform the behavior. For example, saying "Please sit down" or touching a student's shoulder to remind them to sit down.



The procedure in which a consequence is REMOVED following a behavior and that behavior INCREASES?

negative reinforcement


The process of gradually reinforcing successive approximations toward a target behavior. For example, when teaching a student to clap, reinforcing a student for only lifting her hands.



A 7th grade student has gotten into the habit of putting his head down on his desk and refusing to work at the beginning of the day, around 11 AM, and at the end of the day. The only thing that seems to help him is to offer him a snack. 

access to tangibles


The evaluation whereby the IEP team examines the A-B-C data to figure out why the student behaves the way they do. This evaluation is required in the U.S. when a student has severe behavioral challenges and might need to be placed in a more restrictive environment.

FBA (Functional Behavior Analysis)?


When describing a behavior, the description must always be this.

observable and measurable


The procedure in which a consequence is ADDED AFTER a behavior and the likelihood of that behavior INCREASES.

positive reinforcement


The strategy in which the teacher tells the student in advance that the student must do a task in order to access the reinforcer.

First, Then


The teacher uses an instructional voice in order to gain the attention of the class. The student runs away and covers his ears.



It is when a student learns a skill in one setting or with one stimulus, and then the student expands the same skill to a different setting or under a different stimulus. (One word--egins with the letter g and has 6 syllables)



The event or stimulus that occurs BEFORE the behavior and helps elicit a response.



The procedure in which a consequence is REMOVED AFTER a behavior and the behavior DECREASES.

negative punishment


When the teacher identifies all of the component behaviors within a task, then teaches/reinforces each individual component.

Task Analysis (Also known as "Breaking down skills.")


The student hates going to gym class, and when walking down the hall, he will sometimes run away ("elope") and leave the building.



Reinforcement of any behavior that could not occur at the same time as the maladaptive behavior. For example, reinforcing students when they "Catch a bubble!" to stay quiet.

differential reinforcement of an incompatible behavior


It is the 3 words that the acronym "A-B-A" stands for.

Applied Behavior Analysis


The procedure in which a consequence is ADDED AFTER a behavior and the behavior DECREASES.

positive punishment


When the teacher finds and uses teachable moments based on the student's expression of desired environmental reinforcers.

 naturalistic teaching


The students in your class have told you that they won't work with Myra because she picks her skin and her nose. You have spoken with Myra, and she seems embarrassed, but she can't seem to stop.



The frequency with which a reinforcer is delivered. Can be continuous or partial. 

 schedule of reinforcement