If a learner engages in a behavior to gain access to preferred items or activities, its function is ____.
This type of data collection involves tracking the total number of times a behavior occurs
"I want a cookie" is an example of this.
A mand
A strategy that involves differentially reinforcing approximations to a terminal behavior.
This describes a temporary increase in a behavior that was once reinforced and is no longer receiving reinforcement.
Extinction Burst
If a learner engages in a behavior to gain acknowledgment from others, its function is ____.
This type of data collection involves measuring the length of time a behavior occurs for.
"That is a garbage truck" is an example of this.
A structured teaching method where smaller components of a skill are taught using trials with a clear beginning and end.
Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
This describes a technique that involves teaching the last step first, then the second-to-last step, and so on.
Backward Chaining
If a learner engages in a behavior to delay or terminate non-preferred activities, interactions, or avoid environments, its function is ____.
The times that specify when to begin timing a behavior and when to stop timing a behavior.
Onset and Offset
A therapist asks a learner to replicate a sound for this type of target.
Utilizes the learner's motivation in their environment to teach skills in context.
Natural Environment Teaching (NET)
A learner's ability to perform a target behavior in new settings without additional training
If a learner engages in a behavior to gain sensory input, its function is ____.
Data collected to determine the degree to which two observers report the same values when observing the same behavior.
Interobserver Agreement (IOA) data
A verbal response to another individual's speech is referred to as this.
Speaker 1: "What is your name?
Speaker 2: "John"
This prompting strategy involves utilizing the most intrusive prompts first, then gradually fading to less intrusive prompts
Most-to-Least Prompting
A cue that indicates to the learner that reinforcement is available contingent on a certain response.
Discriminative Stimulus (SD)
Timmy is an 8-year-old boy who attends an ABA clinic. While his direct therapist is speaking with another adult, Timmy yells. His therapist says "it's okay Timmy". What function does Timmy's behavior likely serve?
The time that elapses between the presentation of an SD and the initiation of a response.
This describes when a learner understands and follows a verbal instruction with a non-verbal response.
Receptive: Listener Responding/Rec. ID
In this system, you may reward a learner after they have earned a fixed amount of icons symbolic of the larder reward.
A Token Economy
These are the two types of motivating operations
Establishing Operation and Abolishing Operation