Coping Skills
Wise Choices

This coping skill can be focusing on a single thought, feeling, or object.



A kid is constantly bullying you, what can you do?

Tell a trusted adult, request to be separated from the bully, appropriately express your feelings to the bully in a calm manner, and use coping skills.


Your friends are more likely to want to play games with you if you do this appropriately during game play.

Take turns


What you do with your hands, feet and body at all times.

Keep your hands, feet, and body to yourself.


When you are feeling this way, you may notice your heart beat faster, clenched fists, scrunched eyebrows, forming a frown and tightness in your chest.



What is a physical activity that you can do when you need to get release built up energy?

Exercise (running, jumping jacks, dancing, etc.).


Mr. Kyle gives you a direction while in daycare. What do you do?

Follow the direction.


What you say to your friend when your friend wins a game that you were playing together.

"Good game!"


"Do you want to play again?"

"Good job!"


This is the personal space zone that family and loved ones can enter.

the "intimate zone"?


How do you think you make Mr. Kyle feel when you do not follow directions?

He may be hurt, upset, sad, angry, frustrated, etc.


What is the song that we played to get out our energy and sillies in order to become calm?

Silly to Calm


When it is time to go to the car, how can you get it to where Mr. Kyle does not have to hold your hand, usher you or do a supportive guide?

Follow directions and walk independently and safely directly to the vehicle without eloping. 

What words should you use when speaking to your friends and others?

Nice words


You ask your friend if you can give them a hug. Your friend says "no". What do you do?

Respect and accept your friends' boundaries.

Keep your hands to yourself.

Do not engage in the hug.

You may cry and frown when you feel this way.



This coping skill helps regulate your mood when you are feeling negative emotions, feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated. Sometimes timers can be used to set time aside before moving on to the next task/activity. Hint: you did this when Mr. Sean visited the house last week.

Taking a break.


What are the steps to crossing a street safely?

Stop at the end of the sidewalk, look left, look right, look left again, identify if it is safe and walk to the other side of the street without stalling. 


A classmate constantly makes fun of you, pushes you and calls you mean names. Are they a friend or bully?



You wish Mr. Kyle would give you more space and not constantly be giving you directions. What is something you can do to gain more independence and not be given several directions?

Follow the directions the first time the direction is given and follow session rules.

Appropriately request space. (using words)

Expressing your feelings to Mr. Kyle.


This is something people feel when something isn't going their way or their hopes are not met.

Example: You did not get to play outside. You may be feeling ______.



What coping skill can be done anywhere at any time? You can trace your hands or a picture to help keep at a steady pace.

deep breathing


This is what you do when you find a toy on the floor at daycare.

You turn it in to a staff member, teacher, Mr. Kyle, and/or trusted adult so that the adult can locate the proper owner of the toy.

*If an adult directs you to put the toy away, then you follow the direction and put the toy away where it belongs.


How can we treat our friends in order to get along with each other.

with kindness


What personal space zone can the general public be inside?

The public zone.

How can you tell how a person is feeling?

Facial expressions, body language, words, tone of voice.