Social Skills
Decision Making

How many back and forth exchanges can be considered a reciprocal conversation defined specifically for your goals?

A). 3 

B). 10

C) 1

A) 3


The actual meaning of "use your head".

What is to think before acting?

*To think about outcomes before engaging in behaviors/actions.


These are the "steps" of planned decision making.

A) 1. Shout 2. Transfer 3. Express 4. Practice 5. Save

B) 1. Stop 2. Think 3. Evaluate 4. Perform 5. Self-Praise

C) 1. Strive 2. Tinker 3. Explore 4. Practice 5. Strike

What are 1. Stop 2. Think 3. Evaluate 4. Perform 5. Self-Praise?


You are given the direction to complete a chore during session time. What is the most appropriate response?

A) follow the direction 

B) question as to why you have to complete the chore at that time

C) give excuses as to why you won't do it 

D) refuse to complete the task and engage in a protest therefore wasting your time and resulting in a session of lesser preferred activities and no reinforcer such as community outing, movie day or prize box items.

E) say that you will do it after session

A) follow the direction 


Your friends engage in dangerous/illegal activities and invite you to join them. All of the following are appropriate responses EXCEPT:

A) engage in the dangerous activities

B) let a trusted adult know what is happening 

C) say no thank you and go to a safe location away from the activity

D) no longer associate yourself with the individuals as they have now become bad influences

A) engage in the dangerous activities


This is the appropriate way to request personal space boundaries.

What is through vocal/verbal communication (politely and calmly asking someone to give you space)?

The actual meaning behind the idiom "see eye to eye".

What is to agree with someone?


You are given the expectation to sit in the backseat of the car. Which of the following is a productive, appropriate action plan?

A) complain and refuse to go to the destination unless you get your way

B) argue in an attempt to get your way

C) complain the entire ride

D) accept the expectation

D)  accept the expectation

(Helpful suggestions include packing a fidget, pack a stuffed animal/pillow, and have your phone charged with your headphones accessible)


Meme gives you a direction to complete your chore after ABA. What does Meme mean by that?

A) forget to do the chore

B) explain that it is not fair because your siblings have not done their chore yet either

C) do the chore immediately after session

D) wait until after bedtime to complete half of the chore

C) do the chore immediately after session


These are the 5 stages of friendship.

1. strangers

2. acquaintances 

3. casual friends

4. close friends

5. intimate friends


The appropriate way to gain attention from others.

What are stating a person's name at an appropriate volume and patiently waiting for a response.

*Depending on the circumstances, it may also be socially acceptable to tap the person on the shoulder once to assist with gaining attention in an appropriate manner.


The actual meaning of the idiom "dip your toe in the water".

What is trying something new or test something before fully committing to something?


This is the result/outcome of any behavior, action or condition whether it be positive or negative.

What is a consequence?


A teenage boy is given the chore of feeding the dogs. His sister did not do her chore of feeding the cats. The teenage boy is reminded to do his chore. The following is the appropriate course of action by the teenage boy:

What is completing his chore to feed the dogs without question, complaint, accusations or comment?

Explanation: The fact that his sister needs to feed the cats has absolutely no relevance to the fact that the teenage boy needs to feed the dogs.


Your friend asks you if you like their new hat. The truth is that you actually do not like the hat. Which is the most appropriate response?

A) "That hat is so ugly"

B) "That hat makes you look like an old man"

C) "It isn't my personal taste but if you definitely seem more confident when you're wearing it so that's cool for you" 

D) "My hat is so much cooler than yours"

C) "It isn't my personal taste but if you definitely seem more confident when you're wearing it so that's cool for you" 


This is something a person does when someone else is speaking.

What is wait their turn to speak in a respectful and patient manner?

*They can also engage in active listening.


The actual meaning of "in the same boat".

What is being in a similar situation or experiencing the same difficulties?


This wise decision can improve mood, boost energy levels, improve academic performance, and relieve hunger in students.

What is packing a lunchbox with food (preferred or not preferred), bringing it to school and actively eating the food at lunch?


This person is responsible for letting a little sister know that it is time for bed.

Who is a parent/mom/guardian?


This quality is defined as displaying kindness and concern for others. 

A) caring

B) honesty

C) loyalty

What is "caring"?


What is the very first thing socially expected of you upon a waiter coming up to your designated table to take your order at a restaurant?

What is greet the waiter?


The actual meaning of "turn over a new leaf".

What is to change ones behavior for the better?


This is the style of decision-making strategies that includes little thought or examination, taking the first alternative before thinking through possible solutions.

What is impulsive decision making?


A 9-year-old girl accidentally steps on the foot of a 14-year-old boy. The same 14-year-old boy then slaps the same 9-year-old girl in the face. This person is responsible for the same 14-year-old boy's actions.

Who is the same 14-year-old boy from the example scenario?

Explanation: The boy cannot control whether or not the girl accidentally stepped on his foot. He is able to control how he reacts to the situation. Therefore, the boy is responsible for his own actions.


This quality is defined as:

1. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements

2.  due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others

What is respect?

A great quality in a true friend is a friend who treats you with respect.