Incidental Teaching

What does ABA stand for? What does SD stand for? Explain each term

Applied Behavior Analysis is a means of changing and teaching behavior through reinforcement. "Behavior" can be any teachable skill.

SD means "discriminative stimulus" which is a signal that indicates that a desired behavior will be rewarded. The SD is the cue that you are giving to the child that produces the desired behavior that will be rewarded


What is positive reinforcement?

What is negative reinforcement? 

Give examples

PR: providing a reinforcer that the child likes in order to increase the occurrence of the desired behavior

NR: removing something the child does NOT like in order to increase the occurrence of the desired behavior

Positive reinforcement can reinforce UNDESIRED behaviors - ex: laughing at a negative behavior


What is incidental teaching? Give an example

A method of helping a child learn skills in a natural setting. Using a naturally occurring situation that the child is interested in as a means of encouraging the child's engagement - I.T. follows the child's lead to identify motivation and use it to your advantage


What is the maximum number of trials that can be run per program?

10 - but it can be less. Some programs are 5, others can be as few as 2. 


What is Verbal reinforcement vs Tangible reinforcement?

Give examples of each

Verbal: positive praise such as "good job"

Tangible: physical item such as toy or snack


When can/should Incidental Teaching take place?

Throughout the entire school day: between trials, in speech, in OT, in the bathroom, in the hallway, etc.

You do not need to be taking data for teaching to occur, you can incorporate their programs into every part of their day


What is parallel play? Give an example

It is a stage of play development where children play near each other, in the same area or around a shared toy, but do not yet interact. 

Allows for introduction, tolerance, & imitation


True or False: All types of positive reinforcement are equally as reinforcing 

FALSE - each child has a preference to types of reinforcers. The most desired reinforcers should be used for harder/disliked programs, whereas less desired reinforcers should be used for easier/well-liked programs

Food/snacks are great to help limit behaviors


What is carry over generalization? 

The ability of a child to use newly acquired skills in different settings, with different people, and across various situations - not just in the cubby where the skill is taught. If a child comes to your cubby for a toy, have them request for it. If you are in the bathroom, have the child throw away the diaper or point for a paper towel. You do not need to be taking data for teaching to occur 


What is a preventative prompt?

A cue given BEFORE an error can occur to remind the child of the target behavior. 

Ex: covering all the holes of a shape sorter except the right one 

Would this be a positive or a negative?


How often do you provide reinforcement?

After EVERY trial - when a child is new, they should be reinforced constantly using their highest reinforcer. Reinforcement can be lessened (intermittent) once the child becomes well-adjusted to ABA and willing to work without constantly being reinforced

Requesting is reinforced after every trial at all times 


True or False: Incidental Teaching promotes generalization?

True - by following the child's lead and using their chosen environment to teach them, you are carrying over their trial programs into different scenarios and situations both in and out of the classroom


When should a child be updated: When they are doing well or when they are doing poorly in a program?

BOTH - if a child is doing well they should be updated to the next step. If a child is doing poorly, the program should be discontinued and changed to prevent frustration and avoid stalled progress


When do you provide reinforcement?

Immediately after the proper response is given or immediately following the completion of the error correction

If you do not reinforce immediately, you are likely going to reinforce the wrong behavior


True or False: Incidental Teaching can take place while the child is on a break?

True - it can and it SHOULD take place while the child is on a break