How is Elecare different from other AAF?
Name 2!
2:1 Mixing, 10% more protein, ELIZA/PAGE Testing, #1 PGI Recommended Brand
Can you find Elecare in retail locations?
Bonus: Name 2 places!
Walmart, Amazon, Select Walgreens, Abbott Store
What products do I support? Name 3.
Elecare, Pediasure Peptide, Pediasure + access to Metabolics and Adults formulas
About how many dietitians are there expected to be in the US by 2030?
97,943. Correct 90,000-100,000.
24% growth.
Is Elecare WIC eligible?
What is the Fiber source in Pediasure Peptide?
You have a patient that complains they are getting tired of Vanilla Elecare Jr, what might you suggest?
Trying one of our recipes! Scan the QR code on the can.
Where did I grow up?
What criteria must be met to call a food "low fat"?
Less than 3g per fat per serving
How old is the worlds oldest dog?
29.5 years old
What 4 flavors does Pediasure Peptide 1.0 come in?
BONUS! What flavor is unique to Abbott within Peptide products?
Unflavored, Vanilla, Strawberry
Bonus! Chocolate
What college did I go to?
University of Florida
What percent of the immune system lives in the gut?
Ketchup was used a medicine back in the day. What was it used to treat?
What are some symptoms that Pediasure Peptide can help with? Name 2.
Diarrhea, Bloating, Delayed Gastric Emptying, Muscle Catabolism
How is Elecare different from other AAF?
Name 2!
2:1 Mixing, 10% more protein, ELIZA/PAGE, #1 GI Recommended Formula!
What city was I born in?
Not in a state
Washington DC
Where does the word "Calorie" come from? What does it mean?
Latin term "Calor" meaning heat.
3rd Party Insurance Verification program to help navigate coverage for Elecare
What do Dove chocolate and Pediasure Peptide have in common?
Structured Lipids!
Can you think of the last patient you put on Elecare, what was it for and what was the outcome?
Or Do you have a patient in mind that you would think about using Elecare for?
... You can pass this if needed!
What month did I start at Abbott?
December 2023
How long is the human small intestine?
20 feet, 6 meters
What celebratory/national week is it?
Food Allergy Awareness