What is SCO?
Senior Care option
What is EVV?
Electronic Visit Verification
What is EM?
Enrollment module
What is SIG?
What is TS?
What is PMT?
Payroll management
What is SK TR?
Skills trainer
What is PA?
Prior Authorization
What is UI?
Unique ID
Bank Management team
What is PCA?
Personal Care Attendant
What is TSM?
Timesheet management
What is ETA?
Electronic Timesheets Agreement
What is TTL?
What Is EVS?
Eligibility Verification System
What is PAC?
Political Act Contribution
What is CDC-AF?
CDC agreement form
What is PACE?
Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
What is TLI?
Timesheet line item
What is CCA?
Commonwealth Care Alliance
What is DOR?
Department of Revenue
What is BLI?
Budget line Item
What is VOE?
Verification of employment
What is ASAP?
Aging Services Access Points
What is OL?