Abby's favorite animal
What is a dog?
True or False: Abby prefers salty over sweet snacks.
What is False?
Name of the Stuckey's dog
Who is Dickens?
Abby's middle name
What is Grace?
Abby's fav. drink spot
What is Teaspoon
Abby's favorite color
What is pink?
True or False: Who is Abby's Social Partner?
Who is Banks Carter
The state Abby was born in
What is Georgia?
The instrument Abby plays
What is the guitar?
What is Abby's second biggest fear?
What is fire. all of it.
Abby's favorite sport
What is tennis?
True or False: Abby has broken a bone before.
What is False?
The date of Abby's birth (including the year)
What is February 9th, 2012?
Abby's dream vacation
What is The Bahamas?
What member of her family decided on the name Abby Grace?
Who is Lucy Stuckey?
Abby's current favorite show
What is "Boy Meets World?"
True or False: Abby has lived in the same house her entire life.
What is true?
Who is in charge, Abby or Lucy?
Who is Dickens.
Name a career Abby wants to have.(there are three main options)
What are Actress, Singer/Songwriter, and Author?
Does Abby like to read new books, or re-read the same books she loves?
What is...Re-read the same books!
Abby's current favorite musical artist
Who is Ben Rector?
True or False: Abby has been married before.
What is true?
Where is Abby's FAV. vacation spot?
Where is Big Canoe, GA
The name of Abby's beagle stuffed animal
What is Sport?
What is Abby's TOP FEAR?
What is Never getting a boyfriend.