Tums fixes everything!
How do I breathe without you?
Pour some sugar on me!
Is there anyone out there cause its getting harder and harder to breath?
Bleeding out

In what GI patient would you expect to see an ABG of: pH 7.33 HCO3 16 PCO2 40

What is patient with frequent stools or illeostomy.


What life saving measure will the nurse administer first to an opioid overdose with a respiratory rate of 6?

What is bagging patient.


What type of insulin is used in an insulin gtt?

What is regular insulin.


Patient with a chest tube is complaining of shortness of breath, you see no air leak on chest tube and it is hooked up to continuous suction.  What is your number 1 priority?

What is listen to lung sounds.


What is a goal PTT on a heparin gtt?

What is 1.5-2x normal level.


Name the medication used to treat a patient with severely low pH.

What is sodium bicarbonate.


Your patient presents to the ER like this, an ABG is drawn, what are you going to except to see for a PaO2?

What is PaO2 <80.


Patient reports to the ER with a blood glucose of 783 how would we expect them to be breathing?

What is Kussmaul respirations.


A family brings a patient with advancing MS into ER due to the patient being sleepy and weaker.  What do you anticipate to be elevated on an ABG?

What is CO2.

You walk into your patient's room who is on a heparin drip and find the patient to have significant sanginous output in the chest tube.  After shutting off the heparin drip what medication do you expect the physician to order?
What is protamine sulfate.

Name one reason elderly patients are more at risk for metabolic alkalosis.

What is antacid usage.


The patient is on the ventilator with a diagnosis of ARDS.  What position do we have the patient in, to increase oxygenation?

What is prone.


What are we looking for when testing urine for a patient we suspect to be in DKA?

What are ketones in urine.


A patient is complaining of shortness of breath, has distended neck veins, deviated trachea, and no lung sounds on L side.  This patient needs to be emergently treated for what condition?

What is tension pneumothorax.


You have a heparin drip with a PTT 28, what do you anticipate the doctor will order?

What is increase the drip?


Patient comes to the ER with severe vomiting.  What do we expect to be high on their ABG?

What is pH and Sodium Bicarbonate.


When intubating a patient, what nursing intervention should be done FIRST to ensure the tube is placed correctly?

What is assess for bilateral lung sounds.


What can we induce on a patient in DKA if we bring down their glucose to fast?

What is cerebral edema.

A patient's ventilator is alarming and the patient looks to be in distress.  What nursing intervention should the nurse complete first?

What is suction patient.


You have a patient that is on warfarin came in with an INR of 10. What medication do you anticipate to administer?

What is Vitamin K.


Patient has not feeling well, has a pH 7.25, HCO3 12, pCO2 40.  What organs could be severely effected causing this?

What are kidneys.


The patient is on a ventilator has a pH 7.30 PCO2 50 HCO3 18.  Ventilator settings of RR 15, TV 400, Peep 5, FiO2 50%.  What does the nurse recommend for the patient in the SBAR to the doctor?

What is increase the respiratory rate.


pH 7.22 PCO2 18 HCO3 12 BG 544

What two orders can we suspect to be ordered to correct the pH on this patient?

What is isotonic fluids and insulin gtt.


Your patient is panicking and complaining of not being able to breath.  Pulse ox 99% ABG results show pH 8.0 PCO2 25 PO2 120 HCO3 22. What nursing intervention do you advise your patient to do?

What is slow their breathing.


Order: Heparin 18 u/kg/hr

Medication: Heparin 25000 u/250mL

How many mL/hr do you start the heparin gtt at for a patient weighing 120lbs?

Round to the nearest tenth

What is 9.8 mL/hr.