Abi's birthday?
26 Feb
Abi's BF actual name
Bavon Avoki (Middle names Optional)
What's Abi current gym?
Crunch Fitness
Abi's Height?
Abi's favorite Artist
Travis scott, moneybag, NOT DRAKE (Secret answer), Young thug
What's Abi's favorite breakfast spot
B.R./ Omelette Factory if the staff is Louis and the other girl (I forgot her is there)
Abi's favorite Drink
Sprite, OG (Morning times,) Angry Orchard (Bonus Answer)
Abi's best friend?
Primary: Melody
Alternate: AB
What's Abi's biggest pet peeve
Loud chewing, side eyes, bad drivers, or people who interrupt conversations
Abi's favorite Brother-in-law
Nathan Hassey or sum shxt
Would you say Abi is OCD?
Yes / 100% / is the sky blue?
What how many years did Abi play basketball?
10 years
Abi's Signature Disgusting face
(Make the Face; TBD by Abi)
what was abi's 1# thing to do as a child growing up?
build damns in the backyard with friends
Abi's favorite snack in 2020?
Puppy Chow