What punctuation belongs at the end of the following sentence?:
Would you rather eat broccoli every day or stump your toe once a week
Question mark ?
One hundred plus seventy-eight
One hundred and seventy-eight (178)
How many moons does the Earth have?
Read out loud and define the following word:
A photograph; to take a photo of something
Should you be a bucket filler or a bucket dipper?
Is the following sentence an opinion or a fact:
The Earth has seven continents.
Which one weighs less?
Mrs. Lowe's desk vs. Mrs. Lowe's car
What type of animal only eats grass/trees?
Read out loud and define the following word:
A wire kitchen utensil; to beat or stir
What is the golden rule?
Treat others the way you wish to be treated
Which state does Flat Stanley travel to in order to visit his friends?
Mrs. Lowe has 27 skittles and gives Mrs. Becca 6 of them. How many skittles does Mrs. Lowe have now?
What species are humans classified as?
Read out loud and define the following word:
an odd or sudden wish, desire, or change of mind.
What is it called when I am looking and listening silently with my hands and feet to myself?
Sitting like Fred
How many chapters are in the book "Flat Stanley"?
Write the following in number form:
One hundred thousand
How many states of matter are there?
(Solid, liquid, gas >> see poster on wall)
Read out loud and define the following word:
a diagram that shows points, lines, or curves to represent data
How many weeks do I need to be on Level 3 to be able to start attending class?
6 weeks
What do all of our sentences need so we can ensure clarity?
Mr. Vic has two pounds (2 lbs.) of pencils. Ms. Isabelle has two pounds (2 lbs.) of kleenex.
Which one weighs more?
They both weigh the same
What instrument is used to measure the temperature outside?
A thermometer
Read out loud and define the following word:
to beat (eggs, cream, etc.) into a froth, usually with a whisk
How many deep breaths should I take to calm myself when I am feeling overwhelmed?