How many Rinat and Hannah dinner nights were there?
When was the Eifel Tower built?
When did Jeopardy premiere?
Who is Wonder Woman?
Gal Gadot
About _____% of popcorn sold in America is eaten in the home.
What is the first main dish we made?
What is the most famous French cheese?
How many episodes of Jeopardy have aired?
How old was Bar Rafaeli in her first modeling shoot?
8 months old.
How high can a popcorn kernel pop?
3 feet high.
On average how many hours does it take us to make our dinners?
15-20 hours (we think)
What is France’s Independence Day?
July 14th
What is Alex Trebek's real first name?
George. Alexander is his middle name.
What TV show is Lior Raz in?
Popcorn is the official snack of which state?
Name the themes of our dinners.
Lamb dinner, breakfast, Israeli food, Asian food
Name the 6 countries that border France.
Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Germany, Luxembourg
What is the acceptance rate for being on Jeopardy?
.4% acceptance
Name the city and country that Natalie Portman was born in.
Jerusalem, Israel
How many kernels are in 1 cup of popcorn kernels?
What was the year of our 3rd dinner?
What is France’s #1 food-related export?
How many languages does Ale Trebek speak?
He speaks 17 languages, but only English and French fluently.
Name the song and singer.
Yehiye Tov. David Broza.
What is another name for unpopped popcorn kernels?
“spinsters” or “old maids.”