Major Depressive Disorder
Two classification systems
What is DSM-IV (diagnostic & statistical manual) and ICD-10 (international classification of disease)
MDD can be diagnosed when an individual experiences..
What is two weeks or more of either a depressed mood or a loss of interest and pleasure
PTSD lasts for more than ** days and develops in response to a specific stressors such as,
What is 30 days and stressors such as, intrusive memories of the traumatic event, emotional withdrawal, and heightened autonomic arousal, which may result in insomnia, hypervigiliance, or oss of control over anger and aggressive behaviour.
An approach that incorporates principles or techniques from various systems or theories
What is an eclectic approach to theraphy
***** wanted to test the reliability of psychiatric diagnosis. He conducted a field experiment where eight healthy people - five men and three women, alla researchers - tried to gain admission to 12 different psychiatric hospitals.
What is Rosenhan (1973)
Psychologist look at emotional elements, observational behaviours, ways of thinking, physical symptoms which is also know as ABCS. (what does it shorten)
What is affective, behavioural, cognitive & somatic symptoms
The diagnosis requires the presence of at least four additional symptoms, such as
What is insomnia, appetite disturbances, loss of enegry, feelings of worthlessness, thoughts of suicide or difficulty concentrating
Careful research and documentations of PTSD began
What is after the Vietnam war
Antidepressant drugs are used to elevate the mood of peolpe suffering from depression. The most common group of drugs used today is... which increase the level of available serotonin by preventing its re-uptake in the synaptic gap.
What is selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI)
In 1995, UNICEF conducted a survey of 3000 children, aged 8-19 years. Of these: 95% had witnessed violence, 80% had suffered a death in their immediate family and 62% had been threatened with death. Where were these children from
What is Rwanda
Different clinicians to arrive at the same diagnosis for the same individual using the same manual
What is reliability
Genetic researchers such as Duenwald (2003) have recently suggested that a short varient of **** gene may be associated with a higher risk of depression. This gene plays a role in the serotonin pathways which scientists think are involved in controlling mood, emotions, aggression, sleep and anxiety.
What is 5-HTT gene
Geracioti (2001) found that PTSD patient had higher levels of .... than the average people
What is noradrenaline
Helps the client to change faulty thinking patterns and underlying schemas. Helps the client to develop cpoing strategies and problem solving skills, and to engage in behavioural activation
What is cognitive behavioural theraphy
is a study in which participants are chosen on a basis if a variable (e.g. negative thinking style) and then followed to see what happens long term
What is prospective study
Classify a real patterns of symptoms which can then lead to an effective treatment
What is validity
Ellis (1962) proposed a theory, suggesting that psychological disturbances often come from irrational and illogical thinking. On the basis of dubious evidence or faulty inferences about the meaning of an event, people draw false conclusions, which then lead to feelings of anger, anxiety or depression.
What is cognition style theory
* * are * that comes to consciousness seemingly at random. They often appear to be triggered by sounds, sights, or smells related to the traumatic event.
What is intrusive memories
Group of people meeting up together with a therapists discussing their problems
What is group therapy
They found that, on average, 82 % of those who became depressed had recently experienced at least one severe life event or major difficulty, compared to only 33 % of those in non-depressed comparison group. They also found evidence of a pronounced social class effect - at least for married women. Who are they?
What is Brown and Harris, 1978 (the theory of social factors in depression)
Disorders appears to be universal but some are cultural specific
What is Culture-bound syndromes
A widely accepted model, which is an interactionist approach to explaining psychological disorders. The model claims that depression may be the result of hereditary predisposition, with precipitating events in the environment
What is diathesis-stress model
Body memories of repeated experiences. Example, the dizziness experienced by a woman which was found to be a body memory of her repeated experience of being forced to drink large amounts of alcohol and then being raped (Hanscom 2001)
What is a body memory symptoms
Results of traumatic events such as school shootings, a field of psychology i called
What is traumatology
A study by Riggs et al. (2007) studied efectiveness of what in combination with either a placebo or an SSRI. The study was a randomized double-blind study with 126 adolescents, aged 13-19, who suffered from depression as well as a substance use disorder and conduct disorder.
What is Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)