'whats my favorite food.?
'TRUE OR FALSE: I used to do dance.
'whats my 2-3 favorite colors.?
'purple,black,sometimes grey.
'whats my favorite thing to drink when I go out.?
'pink lemonade,sprite.
'whats my favorite thing to do.?
'whats something I would eat everyday.?
'Did I do gymnastics.,if I did for how long.?
yes,for 1 year.
'whats my favorite number.?
'my least favorite drink.?
'cranberry juice.
'am I mean.?
idk,whatever u think
'whats my least favorite food/veggies.?
'string beans,beets/corn dogs,casserole.
'whats my 2 favorite sports.?
'what year was I born,and when is my birthday.?
Dec 29,2011
'the last drink i've drunk.?
'do I like fall,summer,winter.?
'summer,sometimes fall.
'how much food do u think I eat everyday.?
'13/16 times.
'what sports do u think I will play for a few years.?
'whats my favorite time of the year.?
'christmas,my birthday.
'how much water u think I drink a day.?
'5 cups.
'why do I always mess with my cousin.?
'bc I love messing with him,and because it's funny.
'when was the last time I ate.,what was it.?
'lunch,1 chicken nugget.
'how old was I when I started being more into dancing
5 years old.
'who did I used to like in this school?(name all of them)
'do I like Pepsi or coco cola more.?
'whos taller me or my cousin.?
'my cousin🙄.