What are Enya's friends names
McKinley Riley Janella Brooklyn and Kyle
What is the address of Enya's house
554 Fisher Crescent
How many family members does Enya have ( including her)
She has six family members if you include her
What day is Riley's birthday
January 27th
What is a drink that Enya needs to drink sometimes
What class is Enya in/ what is her teacher's name
Grade 3/4 class / Miss Monroe
What kind of bed does Enya sleep in
A bunk bed
What are Enya's siblings names
Their names are Eli Levi and Maya
Who does Enya say is the nicest friend that Enya has
What color of cars does Enya's parents drive
Gray and red
How many friends does Enya have
Enya has five friends
How many homemade stickers does Enya have in her bed
Enya has 12 stickers in her bed
What month is Enya's birthday celebrated on
In November
Who goes to after school program with Enya
What type of pictures does Enya have hanging on her side of the bed
She has a chicken a bear and Hello Kitty
What school is Enya in
She is in Bishop robberecky School
What Chinese animal is Enya's in her room
the Chinese animal that is Enya's is a goat
What language is Enya and Eli trying to learn
They are trying to learn Korean
What year did Enya meet McKinley
In 2024
Does Enya sleep on the top bunk or the bottom bunk
She sleeps on the bottom bunk
How many siblings of Enya's goes to school
Two siblings
Does Enya have any neighbors that are her friends
Yes Enya has two friends that are her neighbors
What age are Enya's siblings
Eli is seven Levi is 4 and Maya is 0 / 12 months
Who is the only friend that is friends with Eli
What jobs does Enya's mom do
She does YouTube and instacart