what is my top 2 favorite colors
blue and green
where is my bedroom located in the house
end of the hallway to the right
what is my favorite rpg game
it takes two
what do I hate doing when I come home from school
what do I love doing when we get the tree home
decorating it
what is my top 2 favorite anime shows
dragon ball z and dragon ball
what do I have a poster of by the piano
my hero academia poster
who do I like to play I it takes two
what do I hate doing monday-friday
waking up at 7:00
what is my favorite thing to do in the break
sleep in!!!
what is my favorite season of the year
what are the people doing on the my hero poster
there doing the peace sign putting there hand up and pointing the index and middle fingers up
what is my favorite fighting game.
dragon ball z fighters duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
what do I hate to do at school from 9:00 10:00
ms.laurens morning lesson {there not fun}
who do I love to sleep with on break
why is spring my favorite time of the year
because it is a good time for dirt bike and my birthday
what do I have in my corner of my room that josh zurbrick uses every time he comes over
a guitar
what is my favorite Disney game
kingdom of hearts
what do I hate doing on Christmas eve
not falling asleep when its time for bed {ahhhhhh}
wake up everyone by yelling
what is my favorite TV.show {not including anime}
gravity falls
what book is currently on my night stand.
harry potter 4
what is my favorite game on the switch
50 clasical yatch games
what did I hate doing when I made this
thinking of what to type
why am I going to love January 6
because my best friend teddy from uact is going to monassori {he played randy}