What is the name of my ringtone
Bang by Ajr
What roblox game do I play the most
Dragon ball rage
What is date of my birthday
26th November
What is the name of my favorite cartoon character
Peter parker
Who is my favorite soca artist
What game have I played the most
What is my favorite colour
Who is my fictional crush
Android 21
Why do I hate Taylor Swift
Just Cuz
What is my favorite videogame
Marvels Spider-man
Who is my favorite character in fiction
Goku/The Goat
Favorite Tv show
The amazing world of gumball
What is my favorite music genre
My favorite mobile game
What are both of my middle names
Ocean Alejandro
Favorite character in a Tv show
Randy cunningham
What is my favorite song
First console game
God of war(2018)
Who am I dating?
Nobody (But..... If your single hit me up)
Name my favorite live action show
The boys