My favorite animal
What are seals?
The sport I played at Jack Pine Park
What is soccer?
The color of my eyes
What is Hazel? (also accepting brown)
The friend who loves reading
Who is Aaleia?
The time I wake up for school
When is 7:00AM?
My favorite snack
What is Bits N Bites?
The theme of my 15th birthday party at the cottage
What is The Office?
The number of piercings I have
What is 1?
The friend who rides the bus with me
Who is Camilla?
What I do on Fridays that most people my age would not do
What is doing my homework?
TRIPLE PLAY!: My 3 favorite toys (currently)
What is Lite Brite, Shopkins, LOL dolls?
The number of metal crowns I had at the same time
What is 8?
The body part I can dislocate
What is the shoulder?
DAILY DOUBLE!: People part of my friend group in St. Cecilia
Who is Alessandra, Paola, Chloe, and Camilla? (Also accepting Siyeon/Lucy)
The food I dislike the most
What are tacos?
My favorite piercing (I do not have it)
My first dream told
What is the plane with the sparkly purple soap bars as walls?
The nail that grows the fastest
What is the ring finger?
The friend who speaks 3 languages
Who is Sara?
The place that literally gave me trauma
What is Montasoury?
My favorite home feature
What is a balcony?
The camp of my grad trip
What is Camp Onondaga?
The body part I most fiddle with
What is the ear?
My old friend that was a furry
Who is Evelyn?
My favorite character from South Park
Who is Tweek Tweak?