an instrument with 4.3 octaves of wooden keys
what is a Marimba
has a cart which you race in
has tons of repetitive pieces and can spin
what is the Globe
raw fish and wrapped in seaweed
what is Sushi
has little wheels and tons of different colored characters
what are Trains
a circle with snares at the bottom to create a sharp and staccato sound
what is a Snare Drum
has a character exploring a world and also trying to save an endangered princess
what is The Legend of Zelda
is from a theme park and has a handle that you turn
what is the Roller Coaster
long noodles soaked in a delicous broth
what is Ramen
plastic pieces that are put together to build things
what are Lego
a drum in the shape of a oval cut in half and has tuning capability
What is a Timpani
is a first person shooter about an especially strong soldier fighting aliens
what is Halo
a dragon is perched on top and it has an underground mine
what is the Gringotts Vault
what are oysters
had plastic handles and extended when you flicked them
what are Lightsabers
has very tall metal tubes and is arranged in a keyboard like fashion
what are Chimes
its main mechanic is battle royale and has tons of skins
what is Fortnite
has plenty of pillars and is in micro size form
comes from a cow and has a crispy and salty outside
what is Fried Steak
had mechs and even a gun with power-up changers
what are Power Rangers
plastic made in a shell like shape
a game where you use ink as an aggressive weapon
what is Inkling
part of a three in one set and is green
what is the Green T Rex
come in a ball like shape and explode in your mouth
what are Soup Dumplings
had a big tower with lots of puppies
what are Paw Patrol