Elbert Elementary
How old was I in 2017?
6 years old 😝
What was my birthday theme when I was in 4th or 5th grade?
Wonder Woman
What is my fav color?
Am I a baddie?
YES 😝 😜
What school did I go to last year?
Hornsby Middle School
How old am I in 2025?
What did I get for my birthday this year?
A new phone
What is my zodiac sign?
Pisces ♓
What is my name on Roblox
What kind of school do I go to now?
dumb GCA 😒
How old was I when I was in 5th grade?
10 years old
When is my birthday? And the year?
Feb 22,2011
Do I like to wear fake nails?
Whats is my fav TV show right now?
Anne with an E
What school did I go to for Kindergarten?
Garner Elementary
How old was I in the 7th grade?
What did I get for my birthday when I was in 6th grade?
A whole bunch of L.O.L Dolls
Do I like zion?
NO! 😃
Who is my fav R&B singers? Hint:its two of them.
Aaliyah and Micheal Jackson
What was my teacher name in Garner Elementary?
How old was I in the 2nd grade?
Who do I share a birthday with?
George Washington
What type of shoes do I want?
Any kind of Jordans
What was my teacher name that was obsessed with me in the 1st grade?