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Bob Marley Song Review(Let's see if you remember some song lyrics that Max used for his Bob Marley Song Lyrics*but you have to sing them**times that if you get the name of the song
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Random Riddles

I want to be a astronaut when I get older.

False.I want to be a movie director when I grow up.


My brother and I tried to make some movies out of LEGO by taking a picture of some LEGOs to the next.What is this called?

What is stop motion?


"In this life, in this life, in this life
In this, oh sweet life" what is the next line?

We're (we're coming in from the cold) Song:Coming in from the Cold


My favorite movie franchise

What is Star Wars?


What do you exit a room with,but can never leave with?

A door.


I am turning 9 on my next birthday.

False.I turned 9 on the 22nd


A game that Max and I used to play.We even tried to put Mom and dad in the game.

What is Hide and Seek?


"Don't worry about a thing
Cause every little thing gonna be all right
Singing don't worry about a thing
Cause every little thing gonna be all right" What comes next?

Rise up this morning                                               Smiled with the rising sun Song:Three Little Birds        Now I all alone good luck you will only hear my voice and Max will help you


My favorite book series

What is Dog Man?


If you feed it,it will get bigger,but if you give it water it will die.What is it?



I almost went to Jamaica this year.

True.Due to COVID, I think I will be having most of my summer time at home or camp.


My brother and I watched this ninja-based LEGO show with dragons,powers,and more.

What Is Ninjago?


"Old pirates, yes, they rob I
Sold I to the merchant ships"

Minutes after they took I from the bottomless pit Song:Redemption Song


Favorite school subject

What is Science?


What goes off quite often,but usually stays in one place?

An alarm


During my free time,I sometimes (a little rare) work on stop motion.

True.I sometimes do LEGO stop motion,and Ideas were inspired by things I saw and heard.


This is a game that I almost always played on my tablet.My tablet was fried so I can not play on my tablet so I have to share the computer with Max which is hard.What was the game?

What is Roblox?


Oba observing the 'ypocrites

Mingle with the good people we meet Song:No Woman No Cry


Favorite Color

What is Green?


What gets further away from you,even if you stay in the same place?

The day you were born


I almost won a Star Wars trivia contest at camp.

True.My brother won actually.He and his friend Nick both tied,then had one final question.Congrats to Max!!!


Some of my friends at camp have these trading cards of fictional creatures you can play,trade,and do more with.

What are Pokemon Cards(It falls in this category because Max and I used to play with them.)


Sun is shining
Weather is sweet

Make you want to move
Your dancing feet, now Song:Sun is Shining


Favorite Shape

What is a Square?


How did the man read at night without a turning a single light on?

The man was blind,so he read in braille!