What is my favorite color?
Anything blue
Be in the cold or the hot?
Dog ~ Do you know her name?
What's one thing you want to learn/focus on this year?
Fill out the slip, put your initials and get those points!
What is my favorite candy?
Sour patch kids/watermelon
Be invisible or able to teleport?
True or false... I like to have a fidget in my hand
True - Do you know my favorite ones? That helps me the most.
When can you come to my office?
When I need to talk about something
When I need a break
When I need a quiet place to work
What's my favorite drink?
Read or write a book?
Do I have a brother or a sister?
When I'm feeling ________ this helps_____________
Fill out the slip, put your initials, and get those points!
What's my favorite food?
Pizza, Salad or chicken
Be a singer or an astronaut?
True or false, I was named after my grandmothers?
Is it okay to have feelings/emotions?
When's my favorite season?
Live in the mountains or the ocean?
Depends on the season :)
Do I like to plant or go for a bike ride?
Planting all the way! Although, I do like walking down the railtrails
Does it matter what I do with those feelings/emotions?