How far is Saturn from the Moon?
Hint: In the Millions
What are the rings made of?
Ice and Rocks
Is Saturn light or Dark
What thing are scienticts trying to get to Saturn to explore?
HINT: Is a robot animal
a robot snake
How long ago did people make the closest atempt to Saturn?
40 years ago
What is Saturn made of?
Hygragin and Heleum
Do Saturns Rings Glow?
How much does Satrun weigh?
200 Pounds
Where did the robot practice?
An Ice skating rink
How many moons does saturn have?
How far is Saturn from Earth?
Hint: In the Millions
974,000,086 million miles
Can you drink the water from Saturns rings?
NO, it is highly unsafe.
How big is Saturn?
16 feet
How long do scientist think will it take before we can get the robot to space?
True or False
Is Saturn the 2nd biggest planet? If false state your reasons.
How long is one year on Saturn compared to on year on Earth?
1 year on Saturn is about 29 and a half years on Earth.
Is Saturns losing its rings?
True or False
Saturn has about 1000 Rings
Can you see Saturn from Earth with just your eye?
What is Saturns Nickname?
The Queen of the solar system.
How far is saturn from the sun?
Hint: in the millions
893,000,057 million miles
How many rings does Saturn have?
Dobble points if you can guess them.
Saturn has seven main rings: the D ring, the C ring, the B ring, the A ring, the F ring, the G ring, and the E ring.
What is the persent on Icey water on Saturn?
90-95 persent
Can Saturns rings tell us about how the solar system made?
How did Saturn get its name?
Named after a Roman god